What a Day! What a Day! What a Day!

Last night, I slept at 4am. Pretty normal. Actually, I don’t really know what time I slept but when I was finishing off on the computer, it was 4am. The night before I also had 3 hours of sleep.

At exactly 6.50am, T2 woke up and started wailing for her breakfast appetizer. I was SO tired but when the baby is up, the baby is up. As much as I fantasize stuffing a sock into her mouth, I haven’t actually carried it out yet.

She boobed for an hour, then we both got out of bed for breakfast except that she was on a hunger strike today. I wasted all my time trying to feed her, offering everything in the kitchen, but no means no. How she went all day without food is beyond me. All she had was some cheese and the breast. Maybe she was fasting. She must’ve overheard Nana and Tok-Tok talking about Puasa month this year.

Anyway, the day was busy with people emailing, sms-ing and calling me to make orders. All day, I was moving between the computer, the dining table where all my BHTs and HBNs were and searching the home for T2 for she’d quietly disappear into mischief. My study was full of half packed, fully packed products, all high enough so T2 did not mix them up. And towards lunch time, she was getting tired and cranky so needed to be carried all the time. I think she is teething as she’s drooling a lot and very clingy. So I went about my work with one hand. Typing with one hand, cooking with one hand, even cutting and wrapping boxes with one hand!!! So if you get a badly wrapped product, YOU KNOW WHY!

And whilst carrying T2, I was painfully writing out my address and customers addresses on the Postal slips only to remember later that I had a bloody address stamp to save myself half that work. Urgh.

I’m also beginning to think that working a retail business as a one-man-show is as good as suicide. How does Health Freak Mommy do it??? I would forget things like, oh, let’s just not go there. By the time it was lunch time, my eyes were already crossed-eyed. And I was only dealing with 1 product and 30 customers. Can you imagine 1000 products and 1000 customers? *faint*

When the time came, we set off to pick T1 up from school and as luck would have it, I arrived at T1’s school without an umbrella. And it began to pour. Do I just get us all wet and forget the piano lesson that we were going to have after school? Or do we wait till the rain stopped? Why didn’t I bring the damn umbrella down? The walk between car and T1’s school entrance is a good 150 meters, longer than a football field (as there is one between car and school). T1 happened to be late as she was performing for a Chinese New Year concert so an AMAZING Mom offered to walk that same distance to her car to bring me an extra umbrella. I give blessings everyday to people like that, so rare in existence. And of course when T1 finally appeared, the rain stopped.

Then I realised that the Hubs forgot to put back the baby stroller into my car and I was going to have to stroll the mall for 2 whole hours with a baby in tow WITH NO STROLLER. That was a good reason right there to abandon piano lessons! But we went. How could I have shown T1 such a bad example? I decided to leave behind the diaper bag because honestly, I wouldn’t have survived carrying T2 AND our heavy diaper bag roaming the mall for 2 hours. I already had a back problem amongst other things.

We went to Starbucks – it is always packed! Even on a week day! Anwyay, service at that particular branch is real good. Maybe they like T2. Last week they gave her oodles of whipped cream. This week, T1 asked them if she could have peppermint juice. HUH? I looked at her. I looked at him. He looked at her. He looked at me. I irritatedly (tired from carrying T2, what do you expect?) told her there was no such thing and she asked if they could make it. Make what??? Peppermint and water mixed together. Oh my goodness, where does she come up with such things? OK, so he got the recipe from her and I was wondering how much they were going to charge me for this new concoction. I asked her why she has to have such weird requests and she said she just felt like trying it. Whatever.

It turned out she really liked it. I tasted it. It’s literally peppermint flavoured water. Not sweet. Just minty. Quite refreshing, I must say. And when I checked the bill, it was not there! Oh, how I love their service. They treat my kids nice. Only this branch though.

Then I dropped her off at her piano and she hadn’t finished her peppermint water yet so she had to go get a cover, then had to ask permission from the piano school if she could bring her drink in. Kids are just…….so difficult.

So whilst T1 was at piano, T2 and I, we visited our friendly playground, the B&B clinic at Level 3 so I could rest my arms and what happens? T2 has a poo. She has a POO!!! On the one day ever that I don’t have a diaper bag with me, she decides to have a poo. Why???

But our saving grace, I had a light bulb moment and remembered that Fit For 2 stocked free emergency diapers so off we went. Thank Heavens!!! And for reasons unknown to me, I started having an asthma attack. And of course, without a diaper bag, I was also without an inhaler. Very clever. The B&B clinic offered to sell me one for almost double the price but I politely declined preferring to die. It was only a mild attack (probably caused by the green coffee company coupled with stress from T2) so I managed to do some deep breathing exercises and it eventually sorted itself out.

After piano, we HAD to make a stop at Borders where T2 would play her favourite game of removing books off the shelves and/or mix them all up (I so know that we will be banned from there soon) and T1, of course, had to buy more books. She’s read 30 books since Christmas and I know this because it was her Christmas present that Nana bought her 20 Geronimo Stilton books and 10 Famous Five books and a few days ago, she was complaining that she’d come to a halt. No more continuation…..and I was left wondering how come a demanding school schedule like hers still allowed her time to read? Could she be reading with the torch under the covers like I used to do??? Heh.

So whilst I was dying to pee whilst browsing books with T2, I hurried them out of the book store because there was just no way I could pee without a stroller, was there? Is there? Anyone? No, I’ve never done it before and although T1 kept insisting that she could carry T2 whilst Mommy had a pee, my brain kept saying NO. I’d just be asking for more disasters, like T2 falling into the toilet bowl or worse, have her lick the floor.

We rushed to the car and who should I bump into but Aunt Flo! She really could have pretended not to see me or something! Dammit!!! And then my parking ticket dropped into my car dashboard and could not be retrieved. There went thirty bucks. T2 was cranky tired and why is it when you are already so stressed, your children have the best timing in asking you the most trivial questions? Mommy, why do the crows only crow in the evening in Bangsar?

When we arrived home, I had a case of the runs (somehow, the milk at the green coffee company doesn’t agree with me yet I still go back there because there is nothing else!). Do you know how it feels when you are seated in a toilet and all your baby wants is your boob? At that point, I called the Hubs to say I was NOT cooking tonight only to be told he was working late. AAARRGGHHH!!!!

T2 was just clingy-clingy-clingy and I had to check T1’s homework and still respond to customer queries, not forgetting to feed my kids and get them showered. To cut a longer story shorter, the Hubs finally came home at 10pm with the greatest beef noodles for me but before I could even rant and release about my day, he was off to bed.

THAT………is all in a day’s work.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

3 thoughts on “What a Day! What a Day! What a Day!

  1. so kesian…
    Will appreciate the packaging more.
    Have you tried to work with T2 in the sling?
    Or when you are out for a short while, there are pockets big enough to slot in 1 diaper.

  2. What a crazy day!!!..and you’re STILL standing. You are a superwoman you are. LOVE YOU for it!..I usually have Kyan in a shopping trolley so I don’t have to lug him. Can you guys do that..?…we have a trolley thingie too, I don’t know what it’s called – trolley mate I think – to be placed as a cover sort of in the shopping trolley seat. Keeps the germs at bay (we wish) and more comfy for them too..and there are many pockets. I don’t go shopping without them!!! So in the disabled or family toilets Kyan and I go with a shopping load of groceries.

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