The Inefficient Mom

Exactly one or two months ago (OK, did you notice how exactly can NOT go with one or two?), the Hubs asked me EXACTLY (here I go again) what I do with my time at home with a baby???

For the longest time, I’ve been complaining to him that it’s the toughest job in the world and I cannot function merely because we have such a demanding baby who incidentally puts on her best behaviour when guests are around. I complain all the time that my baby doesn’t eat and then in front of others, she will eat all day. Or how she is a monster who cries and screams but in front of others, she just smiles and giggles.

I met up with some Moms with babies last week and from 9am to 2pm, ALL their babies (ranging from 6 months old to 20 months old) had a nap sometime or other in their respective strollers during that time. EXCEPT mine. Nooooooo…………T2 fought to keep awake all the way despite walking, boobing, rocking, singing (and almost murdered) till we finally left in the car. Then she passed out.

So why is it that I am so inefficient during the day when the Hubs is at work? This is why he was grumbling – we had two large baskets of laundry and I wasn’t on top of my game. I couldn’t answer him when he asked me what I did so I decided to journal my day with a mission to get the laundry out of the way.


8am – we woke and spent half an hour boobing. Then I prepared baby breakfast below because she refused her cereal. And refused scrambled eggs. So I resorted to bread, apple and cheese.

I washed and put some barley in the pot so we’d have barley water to drink later. I also started preparing lunch, chopping onions, grating cheese et al to bake some spinach quiche tartlets.

And whilst I was busy moving around the kitchen in and out of, the little one was also keeping herself busy……


Above is the stove of boiling barley. We really should put up a gate into the kitchen. She should be banned from it. *sigh* When I finished all the preparation work, I finally sat down in front of the TV with my cuppa and rested for all of 10 minutes. It was the best time of the day for me to have that me time albeit noisy (baby wailing to be carried for a cuddle by then) 10 minutes, it was special because I was drinking coffee from a lovely mug that my Mama gave me. I love it and I love that she gave it to me. I won’t even share it with T1 or anyone. It is mine, mine, mine! Simple treasures. Ahhh……a hot cup of good coffee despite the background music which I try to tune out.

My quiche was in the oven and I was ready to start folding clothes. Wow, highlight of the day! I love folding clothes so much that I should really make a business out of it. Not.

We began our task of the day. We, not me.

That is, I folded the clothes and SHE, kept unfolding them. The solution? Do it away from her but she would then make so much annoying noise that my ears would explode. The other solution? Fold it faster than she could unfold it, then quickly put it away. Which was what I did. I’ve mastered the art of super speed clothes folding now. It gives my wrists quite a workout. I wonder if guys who err….use the hand quite a bit……errr…..are also fast and good at folding clothes??? Food for thought.

When I started my second basket of clothes folding, it was almost noon and baby decided to push laundry baskets around holding a Chanel sample perfume in her hand. Her absolute favourite toy of the moment. It has a scent, it fits perfectly into her little hands and it sprays! The Hubs has requested for me to ban showing my 2 girls anything to do with Chanel and Louis Vuitton but I think it is too late. It was inborn!

Phew! Mommy managed to empty the basket despite it being pushed around the entire living room. What a workout.

And then the ironing……where I had to give her my make up pouch. Yes, she loves that pouch because it has make-up and she loves make up because it has things that can open and close.

And when I finally finished the laundry (it took 3 whole hours with all that help from baby!!!), it was time to go pick T1 up from school. When I tell people it takes me 3 hours to do laundry, they look at me like I’m real slow. Well, how long do you normally take to do your laundry? Now, I’ll pass you a little assistant and you can try again.

And when we rushed out to pick T1 up from school, T2 had barely touched her breakfast and all morning, she hadn’t complained of hunger. See? The cheese has all dried up!! You tell me, would you be stressed out? I am perpetually stressed out that my skinny baby does not eat.

Once I pick T1 up from school, I’m busy ALL THE WAY (with showers, with homework, with reading, with dinner, with tea, with random requests from 2 princesses) till they get to bed, which is by 9pm latest. By then, I am usually EXHAUSTED. But I force myself to blog because it gives me back a piece of me. It keeps me sane and keeps me thinking that someone out there is actually listening. I hallucinate about it anyway.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a very good day.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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14 thoughts on “The Inefficient Mom

  1. Oh dear…I don’t think I do half as much work as you everyday…. If only I am as hardworking as you….

    And the quiche looked so yummy…..if only I can cook…..sigh….

  2. I absolutely love reading your journal and I can relate to that too!!! That’s why my laundry time is always at night, at midnight sometimes … simply because the folding and unfolding part is pretty annoying. Same goes to baking and blogging, just to keep me sane. 🙂

  3. I can relate all your experience too.. I normally do my folding and ironing late at night…

    I think all husband think SAHMs have easy life at home… we work nonstop from the time the kids are up till they finally sleep…

  4. Yes, I’m listening, it’s not hallucination. And I’m sure I’m only a tiny part of the big audience. With the laundry out of the way now, can we put T2 in it and spin her till she pass out?

  5. My day now pales in insignificance compared to what you do at home. I am sure your hubby will appreciate if he reads what you’re up to when he’s at work. Just a thought, maybe you should swap with him one day. Alternatively, suggest he pays for a part-time helper. I hate doing the laundry esp folding clothes, in our house, everyone folds their own clothes.

  6. I’ve been thru both SAHM and FTWM now, so I can really say, SAHM is a very very very TOUGH job!!!! No one really understands it unless she’s done it on her own. Not that FTWM without a maid is any easier, but at least I have the time to keep my sanity when the kids are at school and I’m stress at work. At least I dun see how messy the house is and how much clothes are piling up in the basket. 😛

  7. I can relate with the laundry part too… last year when I maid gone back for holidays, it took me days to fold/iron the mountain high cloths…

  8. hey…how come i m reading some hidden messages in between the lines???!!!!

    You can ALWAYS have the easy way out u know. 1) buy more clothes. 2) send ur clothes to the laundry at the end of the month or accumulated enough for BULK pricing….ahahahah *evil me*

  9. Awww… you poor little thing!
    Maybe you should tell your hubby to wear T-shirt instead! Mine is doing that as he said ironing is a waste of time and electricity!

    I normally fold my cloths when the baby is in the playpen or napping else it is like never ending story… and I count myself lucky no ironing to do! 😛

    Hope your days will get better! 😀

  10. The wrist exercise for men *ahem* is downright funny. Please ask hubs to do a trial run. You’re doing great, mama. I wouldn’t have made it to 3pm.

  11. one would understand…until they have to go through it themselves. Like when I was hospitalised… eldest said, “ one knew what to do..and where things were. When are you coming back?”


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