Sydney was AWESOME!!!

Sydney was AWESOME


This month I was invited by the company Naturally Plus to attend their World Leadership Invitational conveniently called the WLI at the Sydney Opera House. It is the first time in history that a private commercial entity was able to host a big private function at this UNESCO world heritage building and that is a big deal. Apparently the Government had sought the assistance of the company to promote tourism since we are so many people and going global with a mission of creating smiles and being the catalyst for world peace. I am truly proud to be associated with this company and of my performance for being able to grow a business to 700 heads strong within a year is a good result. Never in my wildest dream would I have imagined being a leader in a direct selling or network marketing company. I mean, what the fuck?!?!? It was my first time on the red carpet.

But it is actually exactly the same thing as leading a corporation as I have always done except that in a corporation, although you have the same hierarchy, divisions and reporting systems, here everyone is in charge of their own business and I cannot just hire or fire them. There is less control so to speak but the challenges as a boss are the same – to win new business (in conventional business I did the very same thing) and to grow a team. I have never believed in divide and conquer so in my team, I strive to bring everyone together and help everyone achieve their best selves. I am already very proud of some of my team members.

From starting from zero and not knowing anything about network marketing (heck, me myself have no experience in running such a business!) but purely through trusting me and following my lead they are rising up the ranks slowly and surely. Those who have been diligent enough to follow my lead and hardworking enough to ask me how are moving up faster than those who lack confidence to ask. I am also blessed to have a few independent power ladies who are moving up fast without my help at all. Never would I have imagined such a rewarding business that gives me so much joy and happiness in my life towards my fifties. Like serious shit.

It is really fun when you go on holiday with like minded people because we all have the same interests and that is just to enjoy life to the max! When we went to Japan, we had over 20 girls. This WLI, there were much less of us because it is a higher qualification but I can bet you there will be at least 20 of us next year for the next WLI. If the girls work fast enough. Heard that, girls???

I have worked much, much harder in corporate yet here in Naturally Plus, in just under a year, I can already buy a new Hermes bag every month if I wanted to. Or feed tons of children. The freedom is amazing and I love it. I am now working on my girlfriends to get to where I am as gratitude for their trust in me.

None of us had ever been to Sydney except for the hubs. We have always done Perth where majority of my family are and Melbourne since both my brothers studied there so Sydney was a welcome change. In our 5 days there, we managed to meet up with some wonderful ladies that I’ve met in the blogging world based in Sydney, my ex-boss of Davenport Campbell and my long lost Gabriel uncle who hardly visited Malaysia, ate abundantly, explored Sydney again down the beaten track, did minimal shopping because Chanel did not have the bag I wanted, and brought the kids to the playgrounds. It was perfect family time and although short unlike our Europe stint, still perfect. Oh, and I had my grand event at the Sydney Opera House, the very reason we got sent to Sydney in the first place!

Next year Italy!!!

We stayed at Four Points Sheraton at Darling Harbour thanks to Naturally Plus and JW Marriott Circular Quay thanks to Malaysia Airlines. Why MAS? Because our 9.55pm flight home was cancelled after boarding due to a computer glitch!!! We were disembarked, made to wait at Sydney airport without refreshments and then made to wait again because there were no taxis as the city shut down after midnight. Now did you know that Sydney Airport closed at midnight??? That was totally shocking to me!!! How does an airport close? Apparently because it is built within the city, flights only happen during opening hours as there are many residential homes to consider after midnight and people need to sleep instead of listening to planes taking off. Like seriously??? I couldn’t believe it. This meant no food, no drinks, no anything.

JW Marriott was nice. Our view of the Sydney Opera House from the bedroom.

The other thing I couldn’t believe was there were no taxi queues after midnight – LOL!!! Here were over 200 of us who had just disembarked the Kuala Lumpur bound flight delegated to various hotels around Sydney due to the lack of rooms after midnight and despite being forced 4 to a cab, we only got into bed at 3.30am from getting off the plane at 11pm. So tiring but what an adventure that was!!! Of course there were angry, tired and frustrated people and I had sleeping kids but for me it was so fun! Make an opportunity of every situation, that’s what I do. Why create free radicals within the body and be angry when you can choose to be happy?!? So many people in the world just do not know how to be happy!!!

Look how beautiful the harbour is? Isn’t is just beautiful? What’s there to be unhappy about???

The Sydney Opera House was a once in a lifetime experience. To walk the red carpet and be part of a grand black tie event, I must’ve been the only girl who wore no make up. Serious shit. I woke that morning not feeling too well because we had been busy exploring Sydney and failed to drink sufficient water that caused various dehydration symptoms so I decided to just put my dress on to get it over and done with as I really wasn’t feeling well and not in the mood to put on any make up. So now I can say I have spent several hours inside the Sydney Opera House and be part of a world movement that involves Government bodies in changing this world. Naturally Plus is not like ANY other network marketing company yo. If you are in it, consider yourself damn lucky. Because over time, your income grows and there is such a thing as the auto millionaire without you even realising it when people like me grow YOU.


Food wise we had seafood risotto, lots of high quality burgers and pizzas (I was traveling with kids, what did you expect?), the best salmon steak ever, huge fresh strawberries with chocolate and cream, Mexican tacos, lots of vegetables and salads, pastries, meat steaks, curries (just had to when I craved rice!), gorgeous cake and of course, fish and chips! What we really missed was the chocolate pizza. It was fun eating what local folk ate and I wondered if I would miss rice if I lived there and the answer was an astounding yes!


Sydney is not a shopping city so we didn’t get much, only some Smiggles loot for the girls and although I walked into Chanel, the selection was poor so I actually bought nothing from Sydney apart from chocolate – huhuhu. The hubs did his usual retail investigations taking photographs of Sydney malls and we playfully critiqued them together being both architects and having worked for a specialist retail consultant once upon a time. I love my hubs. We have such intellectual conversations together, ones I can hardly have with anyone else. When we first met, we were talking daily for 10 hours non stop and could still go on and on. That was when I knew I’d found my soul mate. Now with kids, this happens much less but we are both truly enjoying the kids to the max too with our traveling and day to day lives. Truly blessed.

We watched some street performances and buskers which Sydney tends to have just like London so that was fun and the kids spent a glorious 8 hours hitting the playgrounds. Like WTF!! Don’t they ever get tired of the playgrounds??? Again blessed kids they are to explore the various playgrounds around the world so much they could write a whole book on global playgrounds! We also had a photography shoot on one of the days and I cannot wait to see the results of it because our ex-boss now does professional photography as a hobby. We took the ferry around the coast and walked the old hospital quarters now made into quaint little retail outlets. We passed by a ghost hall of terror and T1 totally freaked out whilst T2 was thrilled. I’m telling you she totally belongs there. The girls got to ride the Ferris wheel and played at the water science park, ate loads of ice cream and met a talking dog, visited a buttons factory, they had tons of fun!!!

The above is a water park playground that the girls played in. Below is the high tech ferry that we used as a taxi to cross from one part of Sydney to another.

Girls are always loving carousels. Perhaps they could write a book on carousels around the world too seeing they’ve been to carousels in New York, Paris, and where else?


And whilst all this was happening in Sydney, I was still closing new Malaysian Izumio customers from my trusted phone from Sydney. LOVE IT!!!!

If you know anyone who is suffering with their health or financially, tell them to give me a call at 012-2333840 to make a change as there is a real opportunity here. Now that I’ve seen enough people improve their health with Izumio and Super Lutein, I am very confident in helping people get towards their best health. But you have to know what you are doing which is why people need to join ME (or my A-Team) because I am the best person to help you with this health and wellness journey, and with the guidance of my boss who is one of the top 10 chartered accountants in the world, we are able to propel you to financial success. I’ll be earning RM100,000 a month by the end of next year. Don’t you want even a fraction of that?!? And seriously, if you know a life that can be saved, call me. With Izumio and Super Lutein, you REALLY have nothing to lose.

Look at my little princess, even she is learning the freedom of life that she insisted on having not one but THREE pillows to surround her comfy airplane chair with. I need to be comfortable, she said. And she already has plans to take over my Naturally Plus business I kid you not.

My business partners and best friends. My bosses. Loves of my life. I LOVE my life.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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