Stop using plastic bags, Malaysians! Do your bit!

This is how much plastic bags we use in 2 months in KL alone. Can you imagine, just IMAGINE, how much space (not to mention everything else detrimental) we use up from all our plastic bag consumption in a year? 5 years? 10 years? What about our animals and our forests and our oceans and our skies? We have already killed 4 fifths of the worlds forests and if we continue doing what we do, we’d eventually kill ourselves. I kid you not.

I know many of us don’t care but we must. In order to preserve this planet for the sake of our children and our children’s children, we need to take urgent matters into our own hands. Perhaps you think who cares since you won’t be around? Well, don’t be too sure because the deterioration of our planet is happening sooner than you think, and you could well be suffering its consequences when you’re ripe in your dentures and walking stick. It really wouldn’t be so funny then……just so you know, the petroleum needed to make a plastic bag could drive your car 11 kilometers far. Our global petrol reserves are diminishing. If we continue to use it up unnecessarily, well, you might not have any gas for a car one day! And we’d be transported back to the pre-Henry Ford days. Is that what you want?


Can I please urge you to do some homework this weekend, to learn up a little bit about global warming. Just google the effects of global warming/using plastic bags and do 10 minutes of reading. Then spend another half an hour teaching your kids (use this presentation if necessary which I found on the net which I thought was rather cute) and discuss it with them. Education is key when they are young and hopefully, they will remind us and other adults to stop using plastic bags from now on.


Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

3 thoughts on “Stop using plastic bags, Malaysians! Do your bit!

  1. I think it’s important to show the young ones the way by practising what we preach. Get recyclable bags for your parents so that they also stop using plastic bags. Everyone should be charged for every piece of plastic (or even paper) bag used.

  2. We have been taking our own bags to the shops for a while. It’s great as there is less messy plastic bags stored in the cupboards. In Oz, some stores like Target, Officeworks charge for plastic bags

  3. Yes we get CHARGED for plastic bags here…pfffft. The plastic bags here are crap anyways, they break in holes even if you so look at them! I have a lot of reusable shopping bags, but I also still dig my shopping bags for I can recycle them into BIN BAGS!!!…

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