Self Reflection

Recently I asked my team of 4,000 to share their journey with the rest of the team. I never expected to cry about it but I did. I know, I know. I am such the crybaby. Sucker for emotions I am.

Their stories were so touching and empowering that it reminded me of the Children of Myanmar when they had submitted their stories on why they deserved to receive our scholarships to study. This time round, different students, different whys. We are now dealing with adults, changing lives, empowering women, improving communities.

And since they are all bravely sharing their stories, I thought I’d share mine too.

I’ve had a good life. I really have no complaints. Even me being fat is hardly a complain because I am just so lazy that it’s totally self-inflicted. But in 2014, I suffered a year of having zero energy. I was always sleeping, unable to exert myself much and it was getting so bad that I had to give up my job. Thankfully, I could!! Our family also saw the deaths of both my beloved mother and mother in law. I was going through the pain of lost friendships due to gullibility and lack of instinct. Then suddenly I was in debt! So much debt that my entire life savings got wiped out!

I worked hard to get my life back on track and the fact of the matter is that not only did I gain a better life thereafter, I also attracted worse negative energy into my life.

I believe that there is always a reason for everything and that there must be some lessons for me in all this. I lost my best friend. I lost another really good friend. And then another. It was painful. If 2014 was bad, 2017 was a killer.

Of course there were little silver linings in all of it. We worked so hard that it would be unthinkable that God wouldn’t shower us with His grace and gratefully, we holidayed with the kids for 4 entire months of the year because we could.

Fast forward at the speed of light, we are now past half the year of 2018. I’m quite surprised I’m not dead yet! Nobody knows what I go through. Nobody knows what I give and take. Nobody knows what I do for people and vice versa. Nobody knows how much I spend my time doing things that I don’t need to fucking do at all. But still I do it. My husband does of course and he is watching me, bless his heart. But hey! I’m not complaining!!! I LOVE what I do!!! Despite the pain and the backstabbing and the jealousy and the haters, I still LOVE what I do!!! Even when the people you’ve helped the most walk away and stab you. There is a reason, thank Heavens!

Diamond in Young Living is mine for sure. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. So glad I decided to open my heart to the global Young Living Family. Their Management Team are simply out of this world. I love them so much! And my team, oh how I love all these amazing women in my team. Every single one of them and I am SO BLESSED that those that chose to go, went. Sayonara!

I’ll tell you this. If you think you’re happy where you are right now, because I was already very happy where I was previously; now I am euphoric. With my decisions and my journey with Young Living, I am truly euphoric. We are constantly being pushed to become better people and I am learning so damn much and progressing beautifully as an international leader. Thank you. Thank you, God. For all the blessings. Let’s go bless more and more and more to get out of poverty and to end suffering. We got this. My heart is just so full.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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