Random Acts of Kindness with Friends

A few weeks ago, I told myself that I was going to make an effort to catch up with old friends. Being so busy in this day and age, I hardly get the chance to socialise at all and every social event I attend will almost always be about business. Where does that leave my friends? The ones that I grew up with? The ones whom I’ve known since I was 5 years old? Although I know that my old friends would never slide me for not being a part of their lives now since I am so busy, it was time for me to catch up with everybody. And because I really have quite a number of numbers to call, I thought it would be a catching up affair that would span months.

But I was wrong!

It was as though God knew my limitations (from busy-ness, tiredness, stress levels, etc) and He made everything easy. Seriously, I am not religious, I don’t go to Church and I don’t pray every day for sure, but I am spiritual. I believe in the law of random acts of kindness. Many a time, I seriously don’t have time to even go out shopping to buy a birthday present let alone ring someone to wish them a happy birthday. It all depends on your luck. If I so happen to have a free-er day, you might get a present; otherwise consider me a lousy friend! But I think about you a whole damn lot, I promise! However, I don’t think friendship is about giving or getting presents, is it??? Certainly not in my books.

So as if God heard my desire to catch up with old friends, within a week, all these people from the past started either calling me up to meet or I’d bump into them somehow coincidentally. Seriously! It was suddenly raining friends! Talk about a blast from the past, it was perfect!

I met 2 guys who were from my college days (when I was sweet 16) so we caught up with everyone else in college, what everyone was doing and reminisced about the CRAZY things we’d do in college. The old jokes about how hot I was back in the day surfaced – yeah, yeah, yeah……weren’t we all hot at 16???

I met up with 3 girls whom I’ve known from the club since I was 8 years old, one since I was 6. One runs several F&B outlets in KL, one runs a yoga studio in the States, one is a local celebrity.

Above: T1 learnt a new game when she met up with Mommy’s childhood friends. We were just discussing how we all met when we were T1’s age and now T1 and their kids are meeting. We’ve come one full cycle and hope we can see it through another!

The Gastronomer is currently my driving force to lose weight this year having started a special eat well group just for me (I’ve just given her all the chocolate I have in my house in exchange for healthy food of the same amount of calories that she gives back to me. How to find awesomeness like that?), the yogi just celebrated her 40th birthday with loved ones here in KL and is now back in the land of no longer opportunity America (see pic below: Yogi helps my girls build the marble racer whilst I rest and relax!) and the celebrity just gave birth to a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL caucasian baby.

My friend whom I’ve known since I was 6 years old, she had a picture of me on her pin board just above her work desk and I was so touched. We’ve known each other for more than 30 years!!! We’ve done a lot of firsts together, sailed yachts together, kissed boys together, we’ve come a long way. Oh yeah. Below is the picture she had of me on her pinboard. I just HAD to take a picture of it with my phone (hence the blur-ness) so I could show my husband how THIN I was. He doesn’t believe me that I was ever so slim. He thinks I will be fat all my life but it is only when I met him that my fat life began!!! 21 inch waist then, yo!

I met up with another gang, also from my youth. Man, when I meet up with all these people, I realise how colourful my life has been. It is amazing that I have not ever gotten pregnant in my youth (which is to be expected because if you don’t fuck around a lot, your chances of getting pregnant diminishes significantly – again, thank you Mom….although of course, people who were nasty with ill intention would suggest that I was otherwise a quick lay……but ask any man who would dare say it to my face that I have opened my legs for him and I would gladly admit which man was privileged enough!), I’ve never gotten an abortion (which has shocked some people which in turn shocked me! Are abortions really so common?), I’ve never been in prison, or been involved in a car accident from drunk driving or speeding, never been caught by police or you know, all the kind of things you’d expect to happen to a frivolous young girl who hung out with all the bad people. And not only hung out with all the bad people but hung out late throughout the night till the wee hours of the morning living life on the edge.

Again, someone was always watching over me.

I met up with an old friend whom I’ve known since my first working years and we only JUST found out that he knows 4 of my ex-boyfriends!!! I don’t mind him going to compare notes with them all because I frigging ruled the roost, baybeh…..listen up, girls – always have the upper hand with men. And it also turned out that one of my exes may be getting married to one of HIS exes. How incestuous is that! The world is too small. But still, fun times!!!

And then further to that, I met up with even MORE friends. It was most wonderful having this huge catch up session with so many people since Cynthia arrived in KL 2-3 weeks ago that started the ball rolling! LOVE IT!!!

Thank you, my friends for blessing me with your friendship. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts from the heart. Thank you for making time for me who has very little. Thank you for blessing me with your random acts of kindness.

Here are some random acts of kindness you can perform too. Pass the love on:

1. Send someone flowers for no reason

2. Send someone a note – thank you, thinking of you, whatever

3. Cook for someone, or bake for someone

4. Make something for a friend – photo frame, calendar, who cares what?!

5. Buy a random stranger a lottery ticket

6. Put extra coins into the parking meter in Bangsar or wherever you park so the next person gains

7. Buy someone a coffee

8. Send someone some cash. Even if it is RM20 – any amount! Especially to those whom you know could do with it.

9. Send someone an anonymous gift

10. Buy movie (or flight, if you’re feeling rich!) tickets for a couple

11. Give the waiter a big tip just because……

12. Write weekly notes of appreciation to everyone whom you appreciated that week

13. Speak to a stranger to enquire how you can help (in any way)

14. Pick up the rubbish you see where it does not belong

15. Compliment someone on a job well done, especially a work colleague, or a fellow Mom

16. Do something to help someone for nothing in return.

I could go on forever but you get the picture. If you took a little step every week, then every day, the love will spread.

It will.



Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

3 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness with Friends

  1. Bought coffee for a random stranger asking for donations at a mall. There r so many of them, i dunno which is genuine..so i bought him coffee instead, and said, thank you for helping the needy ppl. Do u know if its on volutarily basis or they get salary for putting a stall to get donations from pulic?

  2. OMG!! That was you??? So hot!!.. No wonder so many men fell at your feet lah! Check out those sexy legs man!

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