Choosing an Education for your Child

Because this is the final week of T1's school before THE FINAL EXAMINATIONS, I have been spending a lot of time thinking and thinking about the best way to approach this. In the past, we had never bothered so much about exams of any sort because she to learn what next.

How to achieve a great education

I've been toying with the idea of allowing T1 to go to school as and when she pleases, with the intention of inculcating some internal discipline and self governance. Now, those are two terms I learnt from the Homeschooling Moms. You might think I'm off the rockers to learn what next.

Home schooling in Malaysia and Studying with T1

I know that only makes me sound like a super kiasu Mom but it couldn't be further from the truth. In any case, everyone has their own views and they will want to label you as a kiasu Mom if they want to label you as a to learn what next.