Food Delivery Services in Malaysia

I would not trust the food delivery services in Malaysia nor anywhere else, but maybe Japan. Yes. Perhaps Japan. In times of MCO, I complain ed to the Hubs why we didn’t just succumb to a food delivery service for the times to learn what next.

Movement Restriction Order (MRO) or Movement Control Order (MCO)

For the last 5 years, I have been preaching about wellness plans and keeping your families healthy because I myself have fallen victim to health challenges which to me is a bloody freaking pain in the ass. When your health sucks, you to learn what next.

Procrastination is the thief of time

I have this Procrastination Habit. It’s a terrible habit but something I’ve had since I was a kid. I’m trying to change for sure because I know it’s a bad habit and I don’t want influencing bad habits into my kids. It sucks! to learn what next.

Competing with Experience

Have you known those types where everything is a competition? You know, with their own competencies, with kids, with husbands, with friends, everything is a competition. It is amusing but also annoying. Some people always have to be right. Some always must to learn what next.