Next year will mark the Hubs and my 10th wedding anniversary although we've known and had sex with dated each other for longer. T2 will be 2 years old. I wonder if that means we can dump her with someone and run off for a romantic honeymoon to learn what next.
And vice versa. Since I'm bored of posting about Chiang Mai now, I shall bring my Chiang Mai series to an end and dig out the archives of my Perth trip. Ahahaha....that now seems like eons ago. If you're interested in going to Chiang Mai, the best to learn what next.
Allow me to introduce a charming little shop from a home in Australia called Whistlefish.......For the longest time, I've wanted to buy some stuff that I really liked there and now when I've finally found time to do it, it's gone!!! Still, all hand made with love to learn what next.
Because I am an artist as such, all the laptops I've ever had had to be customised to suit the heavy load us artists work with. We have all the graphic altering tools, photography editing software, Autocad and 3D softwares for rendering space, let alone movie editing software! to learn what next.
The dictionary defines a hypocrite as a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives. This means, that lady A could be bitching about you behind your back saying how immature to learn what next.
Ever since T1 met some people with disabilities, I swear she's had her heart grown a little bigger and for that I am proud. I want her to realise how fortunate she is and how she should never complain (even though I complain lots, haha!) and if to learn what next.
I would say 2 weeks in Chiang Mai could possibly see you through most of the tourist sites and then a month to really soak up true Chiang Mai flavour and a year to have a good taste of the city within a city. What we always to learn what next.
This chicken rice deserved its own post - LOL One morning in Chiangmai, it was decided that the men go cycling (3 hours in the city - they are MAD!) and the ladies visit the jewelers. This is what both parties wanted to do short of my to learn what next.
One Saturday, T1 and I attended an event hosted by Kleenex entitled The Power of Play. I am usually not one to attend events and parties as much as possible because I'd much rather spend my time finishing up the chores and whatever else I have to to learn what next.
HELL, YEAH!!! My big girl came home sick one day after her very responsible father forgot to pack a water bottle for her to school last week. What more, she was the co-emcee for her annual concert and had rehearsals all morning (4 hours talking) WITHOUT water. to learn what next.
After an entire week, I've survived without broadband or any network support whatsoever. We had called and called and complained to no avail because they just couldn't solve the problem! Well, guess what? We had to pull strings to finally get some attention. Sad but true. I to learn what next.
The Tiger Kingdom is worth a visit (and I hear the monkey school is too, though we haven't visited the monkey school yet. Next trip!) because it is interesting watching and observing these wild animals and how they interact with human beings. No matter how tame they are, to learn what next.
Finally, I hired some part-time cleaners to come clean my place without the Hubs approval. I couldn't take it anymore and really felt that if the place was at least clean, I could focus on cooking and playing with the kids. And work, of course. I hardly to learn what next.
Back to our Chiang Mai posts *grins* Well, it's 5 years now that I've been traveling to Chiang Mai with kids so I can definitely tell you what to do and what not to do *grins* I wouldn't say that Chiang Mai is tremendously kid friendly but to learn what next.