Keeping Kids Healthy

Keeping kids healthy has always been a number one priority in my household. In their early years, we have spent countless times visiting Doctors and sleeping in hospitals albeit not every incident was down to illness but enough was enough. We actually had a goal one year to stay out of hospital and we drew out a plan on how we were going to achieve it. We were that crazy because we were just so sick of hospitals! Thankfully, we succeeded by not going remotely near anyone who was mildly sick and we ate lots of vegetables and fruit. The next year, the goal became staying out of hospitals and not visiting the Doctors at all. We succeeded in that too, same strategy. No touching the rain either and keeping warm whenever it got chilly, especially covering up our chests. It is now our 2nd year running without staying in a hospital nor visiting a Doctor AND not getting even the most minor flu.

And although I stand by having a healthy diet being the utmost priority in the kids’ lifestyle, with what we went through last year, I don’t think even the most healthy diet could have helped us. We traveled Europe for 5 weeks with lots of jet lag and tiredness from daily 10km walks (I kid you not, the Hubs carried T2 after about 6km daily), we experienced 2 deaths in the family within 7 weeks from each other circa September 2014 (which was also T1’s birthday time), and we experienced several other mishaps that caused undue family stress. So lots of stress and lots of sleepless nights. Did we have anyone to help us? No.

Yet, none of us fell ill. If you knew my immune system, you would know I wouldn’t have survived that. Previously not seeing the Dr didn’t mean I didn’t get sick. I did. Just not sick enough to warrant a visit.

Did we just get lucky? No. I truly owed my life last year to Izumio Hydrogen Water (Hydrogenated water in high doses) and Super Lutein Vegetable Capsules (extremely high dosage of fruit and vegetables of all colours of the rainbow from the extract and essence of fruit and vegetables; the Carotenoids, the Lutein, etc).



If you know me, you would know that I am extremely careful about simply taking supplements as I do not believe in them at all. AT ALL. I only believe in eating fresh food from source. And my friends will know how dogmatic I am about not taking supplements. We have no Vitamin C pills, no Multivitamins, no Omega pills, no Vitamin B, nor calcium nor anything really!!! What we do have are cod liver oil pills but even then just sat in the cupboard looking pretty. I’m sure I’ve bought them all before and because we do not take them, are just a waste of my money. And I’ve found that through eating an abundant amount of fruit and vegetables, like a LOT, seriously a LOT and that means, if we have a home dinner for the 4 of us, it would be 5 fists of spinach, 5 fists of beans and 5 fists of broccoli and a small portion of protein. Fist size would be my fist size, 3x3x2.5 inches? THAT much. And we are most of the time super full. And then throughout the day, we eat fruit at every meal. And that is what it took to keep us healthy. Plus 2-3 litres of water for the adults and at least 1-1.5 litres for the kids.

Everything I do or buy, every place I go, I research to death before deciding. So the same with this Hydrogen water and Lutein stuff. It took me a year of research and pondering before I finally started buying it for the entire family. Previously, a friend (bless her!) had given me a batch to try and that is what saved us just before we went to Europe in May 2014 as we were being threatened with a flu then but as soon as we all took a packet of Izumio Water, we were fine to travel the next day. Panicking like shit, I packed half a dozen packets of Izumio water into my suitcase in case any of us got sick in Europe but thank Heavens no. Can you imagine if any of us got sick on our wonderful, wonderful trip to Europe? THANK YOU, IZUMIO!!!

I must have read over 20,000 words on Hydrogenated Water and Super Lutein and read tons of reviews, spoken to lots of people, before I committed to buying them for my family and wow, I am now so pleased that I have. And the reason apart from the fact that I am just anal like that, I actually felt more sick after taking the water for the first few days. But once that phase was over, I started feeling better and better. Generally, I have much more energy as a Mom and whenever I have a late night out indulging in errr……let’s call it bad habits, the Izumio water allowed me to function as fit as a fiddle the next day. I loved it. It gave me a passport to have more late nights out. Heh.


What it also did was detect my underlying health issues, heart disease and now a lump in my colon which I have not gotten tested for yet. Just wow. I am pleased, so pleased that I am detecting these ailments now rather than when it gets too late. As you know, some cancers have no symptoms at all and suddenly you are told you are at Stage 4 cancer. Like WTF, right? Now, I have hope. I am positive. I am so looking forward to keeping my family healthy for life. We will continue eating healthy but of course, and we will continue to juice, but I am so sure that the Izumio and Lutein play a significant role in protecting my kids. In keeping kids healthy……….

This is why. Previously, we were not allowed to go into rain as we would get sick after the rain touched our heads. Also, whenever we came into contact with sick people, the chances of us getting sick were very high. Despite all the stress factors, lack of sleep and environmental shit that were against us last year, and we actually tested this out several times AFTER I started giving the kids Izumio water and Lutein caps daily. Want to go out into the rain? Go!! Want to see our Aussie cousins who were sick when they came down? No problem. I was so confident and my hubs was so worried as he knew that if any of us were sick, his life got turned upside down so why take the risk? I kept telling him, NO PROBLEM……and I proved him right!!! Till today!!!

So yes, I swear by these 2 products in keeping kids healthy. In fact, we decided that if I were to need chemotherapy, I might just skip that and consume a higher dosage of Izumio and Lutein instead. Why not? I know someone who was cured of leukaemia and another who was cured from eczema. So many ailments improved from these two products alone, from diabetes, to back ache to arthritis. One lady’s cancer tumour got reduced within 2 weeks. These are all real people within my social network. Too good to be true? Believe it. I do. It works for me and my family and saves us lots of hospital bills and time going to the Doctors. There will always be skeptics but they’re the ones still getting sick, not me.

The products are safe for children and babies, can be consumed or applied (heck another story for another day! Because I have just learnt the wonders of topical application of the product!), and are filled with potent goodness, no fillers at all. No preservatives. Just natural goodness, even better than the quality of vegetables we get from our local supermarkets.


Best of all, my kids love taking them because there is no after taste and the capsule is small. It can be chewed or swallowed. The taste is of dark green vegetables mixed with fish oil. Eweeee!!!!! But T1 loves it. Eweeee!!!!! And then after finishing up her Izumio, she will play with the packet, blowing it up big big like a helium balloon, and then deflating again. They do all sorts of silly experiments with my health products, my 2 monkeys.


But at the end of the day, if it is keeping them super healthy, hey, I’m sold. I love the fact that we do not have to visit Doctors and Hospitals anymore for bronchitis, or the common cold, flus, coughing and asthma, fevers, you name it. It really saved us from being under the weather last year as you just cannot imagine what it is like to go through a Chinese Funeral where you cannot sleep for days into changing your family dynamics because you have been diagnosed with a leaking aorta, and then BOOM, your mother dies and you have to arrange her funeral, belongings, estate matters, then BOOM AGAIN, the family feuds and drama that unfolded…….my entire life savings that could have bought a property wiped out in a flash.

FUYOH!!! We survived all that la…..

TOUCH WOOD. And Alhamdullilah.

For more reading on Izumio and Super Lutein, please click on the links below:-

Izumio and Super Lutein heals Diabetes

Izumio and Super Lutein heals a Slipped Disc

Izumio and Super Lutein for KIDS

Izumio and Super Lutein for WOMEN

My personal recommendation on Izumi and Super Lutein

The Izumio Super Lutein Business

Or just go do a SEARCH on my blog on the top right hand corner for IZUMIO and you should be able to find anything related to Izumio. I talk about Izumio everyday now.It is my life after my family.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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