How couples rub off on each other

Warning : long post ahead. 


I once heard a couple guru say, ‘the longer a compatible couple are together, the more they start looking like one another.’

This is true as far as I’ve observed. I’ve been couple watching since puberty to break this theory but after watching the faces of couples evolve over the years, I really see the ones who are truly in love, looking more and more like each other!

If you think I am crazy, take a photo of a couple you know who couldn’t be more perfect for each other. Take another photo of them 5 to 10 years later. Then come talk to me.

Physical attributes aside, after being with someone for a length of time, their habits and characteristics tend to dilute a little into each other. Don’t you think? That is why opposites attract.

My Hubs – he is grumpy as hell (possibly from old age), anal-retentive about cleanliness and neatness from boarding school discipline and has a temper that could send King Kong to tears. Yet, his positive traits far outweigh the 3 most annoying things about him. The Hubs is really, really sweet. He gives up any form of life outside work to be with us, his nearest and dearest. He takes over the handling of Tee every non-working moment he has, because he knows how tough it is to be a Stay At Home Mom.

My mother is appalled that I allow him to do so much after a hard day’s work, lest he throws in the towel, for I don’t even make him his coffee. And on the contrary, he not only makes mine every morning but delivers a hot milo and a 15-60 minute massage every evening. Plus, he does the laundry (ironing included), the housework (I am allergic to dust, what can I say?), the dishes, the bill paying, the house DIY, the trash, the plant watering and Tee’s wake up and good night rituals. He never fails to ‘quality’ entertain Tee for hours on end, gives me perpetual stitches from laughter till I wonder if I’m having appendicitis and completes my thoughts and sentences to my bewilderment. OK, he needs much more sleep than I think necessary, but after all that he does, can we really blame him?

As for myself, I find it hard focusing on 1 thing as I get bored too easilly. I’ve always had to have a few projects on my screen whilst I flit from A to B to C. I hate housework. I’m not good at it. If I cleaned a toilet, I’d want it so clean that it’d take me 60 minutes. Just to clean the toilet bowl. No efficiency there. Then, my worst trait of all, must be my frivolous attitude with money. My parents were never around to teach me the value of money, so I’ve always taken it for granted. It’s only money – easy come, easy go. I’ve been down in the dumps and I’ve been right up there. Money has always been a by-product of my life.

I am lazy to a fault on the home-front and never imagined myself a Stay At Home Mom as I am ambitious and have always strived for achievement.

Actually, I’m not sure why he married me because I sure wouldn’t marry me.

And to carry his sugary sweetness further, his response to why he married me is, “Because. You are You…..” with eyes that penetrate to the depths of my entire being. It sure isn’t because he has a lack of ideas because rest be assured, he hails from creative city. Yet, being a woman (and THAT kind of woman!), I want to hear more detail. Alas, any prods on the question have always ended no farther. I sometimes wonder if it is because there really is nothing about me to bring out that this happens! So at guilty times like this, he gets a… know….job.

10 years on, upon reflecting, the 2 of us, being such different characters – (me, scream for attention; him, comfortable in his own skin; me, shooting without thinking; him, silent unless worthy of words; me, talent in the limelight; him, solid in the background; me, compassionate and emotional; him, impatient with idiots and never cries…….); we have grown and evolved into new human beings.

The 2 of us as we stand today, are not the 2 of us when we met. We have developed ourselves unknowingly into the direction of each other, with the unplanned intention to walk forward together on the same path.

His genetic temper has been reduced to twice a year, when that wanker who missed his turn-off starts reversing in the middle of a 100 km/h highway, and when anyone tries to hurt Tee or me. I, on the other hand, have begun understanding the value and importance of money. From spending tens of thousands of dollars on useless ‘stuff’ now all sitting collecting mold, I now think (length of thought increases exponentially with price of product) before reaching for my wallet.

So you see. When 2 hearts truly love, part of their character gives way. It is neither a forced sacrifice nor a sign of weakness. But the constant chip of your better half’s positive ions rubbing on you. Chiselling away, day by day, when you never least expected. It is like a very slow growing virus, those positive ions……

As for whether we look alike? Half the population say Tee resembles the Hubs and the other half swear she is a photocopy of little me. We believe she has a splitting image of us both. And our personalities too. A healthy dose.




Has the Hubs face and mine changed since we met? 





It isn’t important.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

9 thoughts on “How couples rub off on each other

  1. You are SO damn blessed to have this man. You must hv done something really good in your past life 😀

    I must really deserve it then, huh? I’ll go tell him 😛

  2. sweet! yup. so damn lucky. 🙂

    Julia, since you’re young, let me give you this tip – train them from the beginning. Hahahaha!!!

  3. What a lovely luv story!! Yes u r indeed so lucky & I’m glad for you.

    Thank you, S. *hug*

  4. “When 2 hearts truly love, part of their character gives way. It is neither a forced sacrifice nor a sign of weakness. But the constant chip of your better half’s positive ions rubbing on you. Chiselling away, day by day, when you never least expected. It is like a very slow growing virus, those positive ions……”

    I simply can’t agree more with you on this. I have felt this ever since I understand what it means to want to go into a relationship with someone and having to live with them for the rest of your lives.

    I realise that I grow more to be like my other half in some ways and he picks up my traits in other ways, too. Growing into each other signifies the intensity of a relationship over time; I somehow feel that people who are together either grow together or apart, hardly ever remain stoically the original beings from the beginning. One sharpens the other, one edifies the other.

    How true to end that looks doesn’t matter! I simply love your thoughts! Keep them coming and many thanks for putting them so lovely into words!

    Thank you, AM, for your kind words.

  5. you are soooo lucky woman!!! and soooo sweet!!

    appreciate your man & your Tee

    I do! I do! Thanks for dropping by!

  6. Wished I had half the man u have!! Lucky u..I am stuck with 1 who is more interested in his car and PC…*sob sob**

    Hey Michelle, if he’s more into his car & PC, perhaps you need to make the first move to rub him up the right way? *wink* Otherwise, bring out the whip.

  7. he is a good husband and definitely a perfect daddy. nothing more to ask from him. a wonderful love story well told. thanks for sharing.

    Thank you for listening…..

  8. pssst i’ve linked ya..hope u r ok with that!

    I am honoured, wey! And I’m farting a lot today – Hahaha!!!

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