Homeschooling my girls in Malaysia

Lately, the idea of homeschooling has surfaced and I have been actively researching it. There are many misconceptions of homeschooling in Malaysia and before one makes any assumptions, one should really do some reading about it before allowing your eyeballs to bulge out and heart to stop for a second. Some people think homeschooling is sending your child to a homeschool centre. Some think it is bringing the school curriculum home. Some think it is a lot of work! Whatever you think, go do your research.

I have done mine and I am certainly enlightened. Homeschooling sounds like such a logical thing to practise. In fact, I cannot think of anything more perfect when faced with all the schooling options that my girls have in Malaysia. But it actually goes deeper than that. It is what my soul desires. It is my Attachment Parenting style that makes me want to do this.

The International Schools aren’t enough for what I really want to do with my girls. It got me thinking…….if I had to pay RM45,000 per year for education now and RM80,000 per child per annum by the time the first one hits her final years of secondary life and still do not feel that the school has done enough for her, is it worth it then?

But then, the dilemma comes – if I were to homeschool my girls in Malaysia myself where resources are more scarce, would I be tearing my hair out? The Hubs suggested I could take a middle road and hire a private tutor to do half of the homeschooling so I could have my off days. But we did the Math and hiring a private tutor would still cost nearly as much as sending the girls to International School! It just hit me too that I was paying my Nanny more than what it would cost to send T2 to a Nursery or preschool or an International School. Fuck me running.

I am feeling victimised – by the Government for their shitty education system, by the private education sector for taking full advantage of our plight and not delivering THE best. Many people repute 2 very famous International Schools as the best international schools in town but my friend’s child got molested in one and there was a drug problem in another. Racism issues by teachers have surfaced before and pornography is not uncommon. Would I pay RM45,000 to attend the best school then? I don’t know.

Homeschooling sounds so good. Homeschooling my girls in Malaysia may be the best option for us. But in the meantime, perhaps I should join a Mom Forum to speak to more Moms about homeschooling before taking the plunge.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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22 thoughts on “Homeschooling my girls in Malaysia

  1. This mother is correct, not only are her daughters physically or sexually vulnerable in Malay schools but they will also be subjected to “brainwashing” constantly. The Muslim system will work on the minds of the girls via “so called education” in Malay schools, till the girls take their place as inferior to males. Just one glance at a Muslim male in this country makes any intelligent person panic and realise that their child must not be taught to be second class to these wretches. This once potentially liberal society is being gradually eroded by politicians working hand in hand with Muslim clerics to turn this once jewel of Asia into a restrictive none free Muslim state. Other influential countries around the world are busy curtailing the nasty actions of other countries churning out muslim fanatics, so dealing with the Muslim threat to Malaysia is low on the agenda……… the moment. Malaya will reach a point in the future where radical nasty Muslims will surface and at that time it will become urgent for the international communitty to deal with them and stamp them out. Till such times, sending a child to school in Malaysia simply means subjecting your child to a braiwashing relgion in which the main hero that they worship was an Arab that married a six year old child and forced her to have sex with him when she reached nine years old. How this can be admired and respected is simply astonishing, yes home schooling is a much better option.

  2. We homeschooled our two sons all rhe way to college, and they never spent a single day in school throughout their primary or secondary ‘school’ years. I know so many peope who have done the same and i have yet to meet someone who regrets educating their. Hildren at home. Go for it – for your child’s sake.

  3. Hi dear, I was searching the net on homeschool and chanced upon your post. Please, share with me if you can, what are the differences of all the homeschools in klang valley? Thanks.

  4. Hi..I’m thinking of the option of homeschooling for my child though he’s now only coming to 1 year old. Reason being is he’s a premature baby that was born at 25 weeks. He’s doing fine now. The only worry I have is him having delay development and not being able to cope in school later on.

    What kind of syllabus are you using for home schooling your children and where do you get the materials from?

  5. Hi
    I have a 4 year old who has a delay in development and shows mild signs of autism. Have been contemplating home schooling as a possible option. Would love to know about the syllabus being used for malaysia and any other form of information.

  6. Dear Parent, I may have the solution for some of you. you can get great home learning tutorial lessons for UPSR, PMR and SPM on ITTV got classroom lessons for Primary 4 to Form 5 students, you can skip tuition centre if you let them study with it. try it and it safe me thousands of ringgit on tuition. its apparently work for special children as well. good day!

  7. I would like help from anyone with knowledge for homeschooling. I am a single mum struggling with my own business and to look after my daughter n time to do it all. Sending her to school does not seem like a best option for me. The only problem I am facing is that I am not sure where to go and look for this home school programs. Tried online but not helpful or my brain is to full to digest anything. Please I require help and advice from anyone out there who has more experience in this than me. Thank you.

  8. Loved reading this blog. My children aren’t homeschooled but we often take them out from school for roadschooling. Dear Prof. Newton : Appreciate if you refrain yourself from criticising muslim or Islam, especially when you don’t know the religion. I’m a proud muslim and I have good friends from different religions and am certainly not inferior to my husband! If this is how you think and feel about muslims and this is how you talk about people of different religion,I can imagine how you would “brainwash” your children. Please respect one another.

  9. Ameer, my son don’t enjoy school. He just like me who hate uniform. how could the education system try to equalize every children on earth? kids are just special individually. Any home school in shah alam? I need to join u for Ameer happiness & better development. email me pls thanks

  10. Hi, I am looking for home school centre in Puchong. Any one have contacts or recommendations ? Thanks.

  11. hello
    I have a boy who will be 6 next year with speech delay and mild autism
    I have been thinking about sending him to homeschool although he has another option of going to a so called international school but with a shadow teacher
    Please any mum out there can give me any advices and help
    Very desperate and concern for finding the right environment and education for my boy to learn
    Any good homeschools to recommend around PJ area?
    Please share

  12. For those looking for a good learning centre around Puchong, I would recommend the Emmanuel Learning Academy in Bandar Puteri, Puchong. They use Cambridge materials, leading to IGCSE. More importantly, there is a very strong emphasis on Character Building.

    If you’re interested, I can give you the contact number of the Principal, Mr. Lai. He’s a very sincere man.

    You can contact me at

  13. Halo anyone here can recommend any homeschool centre in kl/pj that is reasonable price as well as moderate in their teaching as its not about preaching or religion? My eldest boy who is diagnosed with ADD and mild dyslexia is struggling in chinese medium school…was hoping to homeschool myself but i cannot afford to quit my job currently. Or is there any mom here who is working but homeschool their kids can share their experience?

  14. I’m one of those who is not so clear on what is homeschooling is!!! Still trying to do more search on “home schooling”.

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