Friso GUT Days

That’s Friso Growing up Together (GUT), people! It’s nice when companies take an active role in giving back.

Friso organises GUT Days and I normally don’t have time for any events out of our already very busy schedule, but this one time, we went to Sunway Pyramid (my old design firm designed that hideous thing a long time ago because that was what the client wanted! But hey, T1 loved it!) and look what we saw as we went up the escalator? A bright spark that just stood out – bling-bling!

Being a natural busybody, T1 wanted to check it out.

It was a Friso GUT Day!! It didn’t look too busy so we entered to check it out.
I was truly impressed that Friso went far enough to match their baby blue everywhere. Look at the kids tables? All blue and white….

And then check out the ceiling? Baby blue too!

This Sunway Pyramid Mall is still in the Chinese New Year mode with the big red lantern hung up there. It was quite apt to choose this venue for the GUT Day because everything in that particular atrium was baby blue.

At the registration counter, T1 was relieved to have made the height requirement. Phew!

Our first event was jumping on the Lily Pads…..we entered a dark tunnel and on the floor was a lit up pond where she had to jump on lily pads that kept appearing and disappearing. Each time she jumped on one, a surprise would emerge – some fishes, a dragonfly, a tortoise…..etc.

I was going to figure out how the thing worked but my brain was too tired as it was that time of the day.


Then she wanted Mama to join her so I did. But man, it was tiring! My stamina obviously is nowhere near that of a 7 year old…..I lasted a few jumps and then pretended to jump (i.e. stay stationery……)

But was caught out in an instant when my feet weren’t on ANY Lily Pads! The Lily Pad Police was so fierce, so I suggested, “let’s move on…..”

Section 2 of the dark tunnel was another animated game.

The Friso lady explained to T1 how to play the game.

She couldn’t wait to start. Oops! Too short!

She had to release butterflies from the cocoons in record speed then colour the butterflies……

So many of them flying away!

Next stop – photo booth. T1 was raised onto a stool to match Mama’s height and click! A photo of us was snapped.

Here it is. She was supposed to colour it.

Instead, she coloured the background and left us white – pure love, she said. Awww……

It was fun for her to create the backdrop as there were so many scenes to choose from.


And guess what? We got to take it home! Yes, they printed her art work on a Canon photo printer and voila! Man, I have to get one of those little nifty gadgets. How much are they???

They even had a Dad’s corner which saw several pedestals with iPads for the Dads to fiddle with. My thought was, why was it a Dad’s corner and not a Mom’s corner? Why couldn’t the Dad take the kid in and the Mom’s play the iPad instead? Huh???? At least call it a Waiting Corner……meh.

There were more interesting activities there that T1 wanted to do such as making a little glove puppet, T-Shirt painting and design a doodle badge but there was a waiting list for those activities!
Unfortunately we had no more time to participate in the craft activities as the place was very packed and we could not wait for the next session. It sure looked like fun and it would have been something we would have enjoyed doing together. We’d already had a good bonding session over what little we’d experienced in the GUT Day event, so I treated her to a movie instead and before long, it was night time.

But thank you Friso, for giving us an unplanned opportunity to spend some quality time together. I remember my own Mom sitting with me when I was 7 years old on our dining table reading together and it was the best time of my life with my own Mother. So really, one on one time with a child is truly under-rated and special – it needs to happen more often.

And instead of ending with baby blue, we got this!

You see what I mean? This was just outside the parking lot of Sunway Pyramid – Chinese New Year mode still!

Well, at least we returned home with baby blue fuzzies……

So if you’re feeling guilty of not spending one on one time with your child, head on now to the next Friso GUT Day at the following times. I guarantee you leaving with baby blue fuzzies!

13 – 18 March : Aeon Bukit Indah, Johor Bahru

5 – 8 April : Queensbay Mall, Penang

Don’t miss it!


Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

2 thoughts on “Friso GUT Days

  1. The lily pads and animated game is a new technology known as Interactive Art. It’s the latest fad in events and activation campaigns in companies overseas but a tad expensive on Malaysia’s companies’ budgets. Glad to see Friso is one of the first to utilise this technology. =)

    You can find out more about this technology here:

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