The Formula for Success

The Formula for Success It's so simple yet not everyone gets it because there is always one part of the equation that gets left out either intentionally or mistakenly. I am grateful for having successful mentors around me since I was as young as a wee girl to learn what next.


As I approach the half millennial mark, a little introspection is due. Not at all because I have been bullied and pushed around by evilness (erm, yes I actually have) but simply because I have not spent enough time to grief for the 3 closest people to to learn what next.

Chinese New Year Ang Pows

I am slightly annoyed this week on the subject of Ang Pows. My parents, wait, let me MOM and my in-laws have been always generous with Ang Pows throughout my entire life. At the very minimum that my Mom ever gave us a long, long time to learn what next.