What are Carotenoids?

What are Carotenoids? Carotenoids are the pigmentation of fruit and vegetables in a natural liquid state. Try smashing a strawberry up on a white chopping board and you will see some red stains. THAT is the carotenoid of the strawberry. Carotenoids have been.......click to learn what next.

Women and Financial Independence

My Mama always told me that a woman MUST have financial independence. Because when she divorced my Dad, she didn't have a penny to her name. Not only that, he never gave her a cent thereafter for her divorce alimony. Unfortunately, men change.......click to learn what next.

Molecular Hydrogen and Carotenoids for CANCER

A much awaited post this is, Molecular Hydrogen and Carotenoids for Cancer, and one that is difficult for me to write because my own Mom fought a long battle with cancer yet these products could have not only possibly saved her, it would.......click to learn what next.

Secrets of the Multi-Billion Dollar Drug Industry

We all trust our Doctors but have you heard the Secrets of the Multi-Billion Dollar Drug Industry? Those (sometimes) smiley faced professionals with intelligence from the medical field who help us from our sufferings? Whenever we are unwell, we almost always listen to the doctors.......click to learn what next.

Preventing Breast Cancer – Malaysia

Breast cancer is a traumatic experience for any woman to experience. Psychologically, it affects the self-esteem, which leads to depression and other negative thoughts and behaviours, worst of all being that the patient no longer feels like a complete woman. This post was.......click to learn what next.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the WORLD

Ok, you have to try this. They are absolutely DA BOMB!!! These are some pretty good Chocolate Chip Cookies that my 11 year old girl got from her classmate. It's tried and tested and tastes, oh, so delicious!!!! TRY IT!!! She has made.......click to learn what next.

Why ALL women need passive income

Why all women need passive income? Like Duh? My Mother always told her fellow women friends (from her failed experiences of course) that they should always have a hidden nest of savings for that rainy day. What rainy day? Who knows and really,.......click to learn what next.

Traveling to Tokyo – how to plan

I have spent exactly 3 days planning for Tokyo, can you believe it? Does it take that long to plan a 2 week holiday? Shish! It's a good thing I was taking a 2 week break from Izumio from Doctor's orders so I leisurely did.......click to learn what next.

Preventing Early Morning Aggression in Children

Preventing early morning aggression in children will come in handy some day because there WILL be a day when your child wakes up all moody and make you feel like throwing them out the window. Worst still when you have TWO grumpy children.......click to learn what next.