Buddy and Vernon’s Adventures – Quality Time with Kids

Have you happened to see this AMAZING book in the book stores lately??? If you skittered along to your nearest MPH, you could probably find it. It is a GREAT book for ideas on things to do with your kids. The book says it is for ages 5-8.......click to learn what next.

T1’s school girl writes for the New York Times

T1's school has a reputation for being crazily academically driven, with pressure applied on the kids till they get mental breakdowns (KIDDING!). There have been cases where kids have not been able to cope and subsequently pulled out of school, or kicked out. How traumatic! Seriously, we've been.......click to learn what next.

Sultan Abdul Samad Building – the History

The History of the Sultan Abdul Samad building is fascinating and if you knew some old British men who were ex-Malayan service men, you'd get the most interesting stories out of them. I am one such lucky person to gain from such a rich history but my memory.......click to learn what next.