Decopatching in Malaysia

Today is Day 4 of the kids school holidays. So far they have made a trip to the trampoline park, played with friends at play dates, followed me around for deliveries to see how Mommy works hard, and today, practising their creativity with Decopatch. We first learnt to learn what next.

My virgin presentation

Today, I gave my first ever presentation to an adult audience that included an ex-United Nations representative and a medical Doctor from the Ministry of Health. Thank GOD I didn't know who they were till way after or I would have just fainted. I am never one to learn what next.

My Over-Confident Daughter, T1

A few days ago, T1 excitedly came home talking about her day at school boasting that she fooled so many people on April Fool's Day. At every corner she turned, she'd be pulling a prank on someone and she said that all the girls in her class to learn what next.