My drives to school these days are quite enjoyable with T1 entertaining me with her banter but the drive home is rather long and painful (it used to take 10 minutes to get home, but for some reason now the jam has been very, very bad and it' to learn what next.
My girl LOVES attention. She loves performing and she'll make it to Hollywood if her parents gave her their blessings. She's determined enough and can find her way there. Alas, she is tone deaf. She loves singing though! But at six, the tunes are still slightly off. to learn what next.
For T1's birthday, one of the presents she received was this fashion designing book from Australia that she has not put down since. She has spent hours on end drawing and colouring and being more and more creative each day with her designs. She even designed a to learn what next.
It's fascinating how each of us have little bits of our parents and then sometimes, even our grandparents. Looks aside, I was observing my baby T2 the other day and thought, oh my God, she is so like me. I didn't tell anyone though although now I'm to learn what next.
Whilst revising her idioms a few months back (yes, I remember because I wrote it down!), T1 asked if her butt was as smooth as a baby's bottom. She always has to compete with her baby sister and wants to be equal if not better. At everything! to learn what next.
One day, whilst we were out on our cake eating spree, we ordered a few cakes as usual to share and one of them was for a function. When setting up the cake eventually, I asked what cake they'd ordered and one of them said it was to learn what next.
What can I say-what can I say-what can I say??? My firstborn turned SIX this week. Holy moly! SIX? Are you sure???? Gosh! That's like her reaching University, for me. I think I'm going to go into tears now. My dearest T1 has officially stopped being a to learn what next.
You know how little girls always dream of having one of those life size play houses? The ones made of plastic by Step Two or ?ELC costing up to a thousand Ringgit or more, depending? Like this one? This one costs about 3k. Yup. And I'd get to learn what next.
My daughter, T1, always always gets sick before travel. I'm not sure why. We are due to travel again and lo and behold, she has come down with a fever. At this rate, she will just be sent back by immigration what with strict H1N1 quarantine rules to learn what next.
Most kids love water. Both mine certainly do. If I want to make any of my daughters happy, I just need to give them water. The source of keeping life. Nature's strongest power force. There are so many ways to play with water....... How many ways can to learn what next.
For the last 5 years, I'd spent my entire self nurturing and raising my first born, T1, from the word go. I'd talked to her since birth, spent hours toiling in the kitchen so she could have the best spread of baby food, sent her to what to learn what next.
Guess what happened on T1's 1st week at school? Someone did a poo-poo in their pants. No, it wasn't my girl, but bless the poor child who did................. I'm very proud of my girl that she has learned how to be tactful (most of the time!) so to learn what next.
Recently, T1 had a best friend down from London whom we met a few times to play. People automatically assume that when you are a child of a designer, you naturally inherit your parents genes and are talented in creating stuff. It is a myth. First of all, to learn what next.
If you knew my girl, you'd know that feminine she is not. She prefers all things boys and cannot stand being in a ballerina tutu, flings Barbies out of windows and would cook High School Musical if she could. She reads Ben 10 books (apart from Enid Blyton) to learn what next.
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