Baby T2 is 3 months old


How time flies! T2 is already 3 months old *gulp*

She is doing extremely well and managed to fight the killer flu that her sister brought home from school recently resulting in 2 weeks of no school driving Mommy absolutely bonkers. T2 now weighs 5.5kg the last time we checked before she reached her 3 month old age and I can’t remember now how tall she is. But according to the Doctor, she is of average height and build.

She has started cooing and OH. MY. GOD. she talks as much as her sister! My only saving grace is that once she can actually articulate understandable words is that she’ll have a merry time talking to her sister. The Indian blood is certainly very pronounced in both my girls. Believe me, I don’t like talking. If you caught me at a party, you’d notice that I am the silent one almost blending into the wallpaper. I only speak when there is something really worth saying. Otherwise, I just listen and absorb and think my own thoughts. My girls are SO different!!!

T2 also loves being carried, especially by her Daddy. If her Daddy is home, he is her number one carrier. See how she manjas her Daddy?


Mommy is only for milk. She is quite independent otherwise i.e. she sleeps on her own most times after her milkie or after a rock or a walk. She loves being taken for walks where she can gaze at the world around her and slowly drift into slumber. One thing she does not like is being in her car seat unless she is very sleepy. Maybe it’s uncomfortable but many a time, she cries in her car seat (oh, I should qualify, she cries only when the car is stationery) unless she is about to fall asleep then she will gaze into her toys or into space with that blank look and drift to sleep. Talking about blank looks, whenever her Daddy is carrying her and rocking her, she has this really BLUR look on her face. We figured she is usually so content that she is dreaming of candy floss, rattles and all things baby nice.

T2 is definitely more feminine than my darling Tee as she whimpers, not screams blue murder when things go wrong. Her unique traits include the motorcycle kick and scolding me whenever the boob is late. Whenever I shove the boob into her mouth, despite being hungry, she won’t take to it immediately. She’d scold and scold and scold like an old grandmother before she starts latching on. And I know that she knows that the boob is clearly there for her taking yet she chooses to delay her feed without first scolding me to remind me never to be late again!

One thing that she is behind developmentally is that she cannot lift her head whilst doing tummy time. Well, she can lift it for a few seconds but by now, she should be lifting it strongly. We owe it to lack of tummy time perhaps and a very large head. Seriously, her head is so big that she looks like a stick balloon. You know, her body the stick and the balloon, her head – bobbing about in the wind. She’ll catch up soon, I’m sure.

She loves doing the Supergirl fly though and funnily when flying, she manages to keep her head up. Apart from that, her big sis has started teaching her the parts of her face by repeating over and over and by showing her where her eyes, nose etc are. She also plays with her various baby gyms and musical mobiles on a daily basis and loves being talked to. She really LOVES being talked to and she talks back. It is the cutest thing to see her talking back with her funny expressions and darn cute voice. Babies are the best.

She sleeps between 4-6 hours at night depending on how well tanked up she is with breast milk. The longer her last feed is, the longer she sleeps unless she is woken up by a poo or a big wee. Sometimes, I deny her of a very large, long feed because I am just too tired. So she wakes after 3-4 hours. Otherwise, generally, she is very good with breastfeeding taking a reasonable time (less than 15 minutes) to have a good feed on one breast before she knocks off. Unless she is in the mood to suckle to get a slow stream of milk (usually at night), that will take up to half an hour. If she REALLY is in a mood, it could take up to an hour or more but these incidences are very rare. It is usually when she has been frightened, traumatised or abused. Don’t tell me you don’t do that to your baby!

Speaking of poo, T2 is exactly like her Dad and her sister. These 3 are just full of shit. They eat then poo. Eat, then poo. Then get hungry again. Then eat, then poo. A never ending cycle. Her nose also has so much snort that frequently, we have major hour long dramas trying to get boogers out of her nose. We have booger suckers, booger tweezers, sea salt sprays from Italy, France and Germany…..just for the little princess to rid her boogers as they drive her completely insane.

She loves bath times and we cut her nails every 3 days whilst her sister distracts her by playing. It’s amazing how I have to set my phone to ring to remind me to cut her nails. I guess it’s urgent enough since she only scratches herself if I don’t cut it. With Tee however, nail cutting is always forgotten until she has adult vamp nails which is when we realise we need to cut her nails like IMMEDIATELY.

T2 recognises people well, certainly the ones whom she loves (Mommy and Daddy, che-che, Nana) and she even remembers my aunty, the confinement lady monster. She came to visit recently and T2 took to her really well. She would kick and flail her arms with glee, coo and smile, laugh even whenever she is happy and that is usually when people play with her. She is extremely smiley in the mornings after a good night’s sleep.

I’m supposed to let her start feeling some different textures but haven’t gotten round to doing that yet. She listens to a lot of different sounds though. And we’ve been helping her cruise on her stomach by giving her hand support on her feet when she kicks.

T2 does not like being in a sling for long but is alright with the ERGO baby carrier so that is what I’ll use from here on. I will be selling all my baby carriers and slings soon. She is also alright being in her stroller as long as it is moving. No stops. So whenever we are in a restaurant, my leg is always pushing it up and down *rolls eyeballs*

Happy Birthday T2! We love you to the ends of this world and are enjoying every second of your wakeful and sleeping hours!

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

7 thoughts on “Baby T2 is 3 months old

  1. 3months already??? Seemed like yesterday when she had her playdate with Bradley when she was 7 weeks. Happy 3 months baby. You are one smiley and pretty baby…..very much like your che che 🙂 Perhaps you could slow down on booger-production?

  2. for them boogers..all u need is warm water. Trickle it down the offending nostril…and press it out gently. On the outside of the nose.

    Oh..she might not like it..but I found it to be most effective way. 😀

    She does look very cute..and if you really want no.3 to be bf..they’ll talk each other to their deaths. I swear.

  3. so sweet! it’s interesting to see how attached she is with daddy! i don’t know of any babies who are breastfed to be so attached to their fathers yet. both my girls wasn’t so attached to hubby until later when they only want to have fun coz hubby is the fun one and i’m the, oh well, not so fun one.

  4. Oh, she looks so so much like you. Very very cute. And yes, I can see the so manja look on her face when daddy carries her.
    I love to hear baby’s cooing too, don’t they sound so cute? And you know what, Shermaine is also like that, if boob is late, must yek yek yek first though the boob is already right in front of her nose, her way of telling me off too. That’s way too cute too 🙂 HAHA..

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