The downfalls of Celebrity-dom

I can totally understand why so many celebrities commit suicide and the reason for this is because in a very small way, I have always had a popularity rank. From being that little girl who ruled the classroom to that teenaged lass whom everyone just followed, to to learn what next.

To speak or not to speak….

Because I run several Facebook groups and am active in all of them, I get a lot of PMs with regard to my postings and requests for ideas and help, or cheers for inspiring them, and very rarely the dreaded hate mail. And you know what? I to learn what next.

Giving a Great Presentation

This year, I gave my first ever presentation to a public audience. I thought I was going to hyperventilate, have an asthma attack and die. But I made it. Just. Barely. It helped that I had a translator which gave me time to think of the next to learn what next.

How does one slow down?

Last week, whilst I was driving to Bangsar busy as usual about to meet a customer from Hong Kong to pass her some goods, I received a call from a lady saying she was from the Malaysian Insider. Oh fuck! I was so scared! I thought, fuck-fuck-fuck!!! to learn what next.

Selecting a new blog theme

As you can see, I have gone around selecting a new blog theme AGAIN!!! Why? Well, firstly I didn't like the last one but since I didn't have time to really look into it, I just lived with it. Secondly, my fabulous friend from Canada told me to learn what next.

Happy Birthday T2 – 6 years old!!!

So it happened!!!! T2's little birthday party that we organised at the 11th hour and invited just ONE friend and then the day before invited several more *gasp* actually was a success!! On the morning of the party, Mommy was rushing around all over Bangsar like a to learn what next.

Conversations with My Mom

I have been feeling my Mom's presence more so of late. I think the woman is really happy in Heaven and has nothing else better to do than to pass me all these terminal cancer patients. Oh. My. God. Why is she doing that??? I am SURE to learn what next.

New Fantastic Discoveries!

We are well on our way towards the second half of the year and life just cannot get better. Can it? Some have accused me of forgetting them now that I have my little Izumio business up and running but it is absolutely not true. I only to learn what next.