Sydney was AWESOME!!!

Sydney was AWESOME This month I was invited by the company Naturally Plus to attend their World Leadership Invitational conveniently called the WLI at the Sydney Opera House. It is the first time in history that a private commercial entity was able to host a big private to learn what next.

The Naturally Plus Business

Never in my life would I have imagined to be where I am today with the Naturally Plus Business. Passive income. Wow! Like is this for real? I could do nothing all month and still the money keeps rolling in??? No way!!! THIS is the Naturally Plus to learn what next.

Home Made Toiletries Workshop

A few weeks ago, I attended a Home Made Toiletries Workshop to learn how to make some scrumptious, good enough to eat, home made toiletries. It was DIVINE!!!!! For a few years now I have been reading up about how harmful supermarket shelf toiletries are and now to learn what next.

Deepavali Holiday

Wishing all my readers a very Happy Deepavali. [caption id="attachment_22439" align="alignnone" width="620"] Kolkata: A girl makes a Rangoli ahead of Diwali in Kolkata, on Oct.21, 2014. (Photo: Kuntal Chakrabarty/IANS)[/caption] May the festival of lights shine your path towards all the good things you wish for! My girls to learn what next.

Why ALL women need passive income

Why all women need passive income? Like Duh? My Mother always told her fellow women friends (from her failed experiences of course) that they should always have a hidden nest of savings for that rainy day. What rainy day? Who knows and really, who cares? But have to learn what next.

After School Snippets

Possibly the happiest time of my days are the daily moments that I see my little one after school descend the big school bus. She is always so happy and excited and I can tell that she's had a fabulous day at school. Always!!! The most magical to learn what next.

Hyatt Regency Kuantan

Over Raya this year, we travelled to the Hyatt Regency Kuantan to have a small beach holiday to get away from the memory of losing my Mom. We were always with her during Raya and Christmas so from here on, every Raya and Christmas, we will go to learn what next.

Traveling to Tokyo – how to plan

I have spent exactly 3 days planning for Tokyo, can you believe it? Does it take that long to plan a 2 week holiday? Shish! It's a good thing I was taking a 2 week break from Izumio from Doctor's orders so I leisurely did this instead but this to learn what next.

The First Child

This, ladies and gentlemen, is my first child. Can you see that invisible halo above her head? Not only does she have an invisible halo, she has the ability to grow devil's horns every now and again too when she's rubbed the wrong way often enough by to learn what next.

Best Supplements for Children – Malaysia

I have actually never thought of giving my children any form of supplements prior to the discovery of Young Living but since then, I have worked hard to research the best supplements for children available in Malaysia, and have concluded that I have indeed made the right to learn what next.