Niseko with Kids

Quite honestly, Niseko with kids was a fabulous way to spend our Christmas because they were so, SO happy with all that powdery snow!!! There are many places in Japan that has snow and where you can ski but we were told Niseko had THE best snow. to learn what next.

Organising for Niseko

So I did it. 2 weeks of cold weather, and I mean REALLY cold weather. It is currently -2 to -5 degrees Celsius. We have North Face jackets all suited up for -20 degrees so we are good. 1. Heart Problem in High Altitude One of the to learn what next.

Making the Best out of ANYTHING

Although I can afford to not work for money, I choose to work because I want my kids to see how hard I work and why we should all work, for whatever reason, for whatever motivation. I have seen too many spoilt rich brats (growing up in to learn what next.

Setting an Example for the Kids

The first time I heard about my childhood friend saying that she was working because she wanted to set an example for her kid that we must all work, I was quite shocked. Here she was, millionaire Datin, who didn't have to lift a finger in her life, to learn what next.

Ending the Year with another Christmas BANG!!!

Never in my life would I have imagined to be where I am today. Passive income. Wow! Like is this for real? I could do nothing all month and still the money keeps rolling in??? No way!!! I was filling in some forms this evening and it to learn what next.

Sunday Fury!

I went to bed so happy last night - everything was planned, everything was smooth. Receiving lovely messages from important people lifted me, all was good! Woke up early this morning to get the kids ready for a day out on our own - meeting Baby Ethan then to learn what next.

Baby Ethan has Leukaemia

Do you have children? Have you ever imagined what you would do when and if the Doctor told you that your child had leukaemia? This is very real, ladies and gentlemen. Anyone can get leukaemia. And unfortunately, leukaemia hit my friend's son at the mere age of to learn what next.

Why I am the BEST in the region

Wow. Someone asked me to write an essay about why I am the BEST in the region. Best what??? Best laziest person on this side of the planet??? Yeah, I think I can win that award. When I look back and think about it, I have always to learn what next.