The whirlwind life of Mamapumpkin

Yes, it certainly feels like that! Time just flies by so incredibly fast when you are actively having fun! And you know what my greatest joy is? Making other people happy too! I am just so blessed to be able to do that. All the people who to learn what next.

Preventing Breast Cancer – Malaysia

Breast cancer is a traumatic experience for any woman to experience. Psychologically, it affects the self-esteem, which leads to depression and other negative thoughts and behaviours, worst of all being that the patient no longer feels like a complete woman. This post was inspired by someone who to learn what next.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in the WORLD

Ok, you have to try this. They are absolutely DA BOMB!!! These are some pretty good Chocolate Chip Cookies that my 11 year old girl got from her classmate. It's tried and tested and tastes, oh, so delicious!!!! TRY IT!!! She has made it twice this week to learn what next.

Thank you, Naturally Plus…..

Thank you, Naturally Plus. Thank you for making life so amazing beyond expectation. Every day I look up at the skies and I am thankful. I never ever thought I could afford a yacht but now I can. Like what??? Only my Dad could afford a yacht to learn what next.

Chanel Ginza, Tokyo

Chanel Ginza was a must visit for me when I went to Tokyo for the second time this year because at the last visit, we visited so many Chanel stores and could not find what we wanted. We missed Ginza though so this time round, Chanel Ginza to learn what next.