MLM – Multi-Level Marketing in Malaysia

Before 2014, I will tell you frankly that I looked down on MLM peeps. Why? Because I had several bad experiences with these MLM wankers. One conned me into attending a rally that completely freaked me out (AMWAY) and another forced me to keep signing my credit to learn what next.

Easiest way to travel with kids – Book Momaboard

Easiest Way to Travel with Kids - Book Momaboard As a family, we have been traveling with kids ever since T1 turned 4 months old (she’s now 12) and the easiest way to travel with kids by far is to plan your trip with Momaboard. Take it to learn what next.

7 October 2016

I have been incredibly sad today for so many reasons. It started a week ago with the usual people issues. Actually when is it not? LOL. A few close friends of mine and I, we are allergic to people in general. So many people. So hard to to learn what next.

Whatever makes you happy……

Without a doubt, I have been a hard core Madonna fan since I was 14. Yes, at RSGC it was Madonna all the way for me when my BFF was into Michael Jackson and Prince, and OK, I loved Boy George too. You know that Karma Chameleon guy? to learn what next.

Business Class on Malindo

This week for the first time ever, I actually paid for my own Business Class ticket. I have been on Business and First Class before but never had I paid for it. Now that I have, I am not looking back. I know it sounds like I am now to learn what next.

Money is not the root of all evil

This week has been a super busy week for me because I crazily committed to some work assignments despite being super busy already. As it stands, I have still not found my PA possibly because nobody dares or wants to work with me. I wish to retire right to learn what next.