The Christmas Eve of vomit

Never in my wildest dreams have I ever imagined spending Christmas in a hospital but that is exactly what we did this year.

Oh. My. Goodness.

As if this year wasn’t bad enough, it just had to end with a BANG, didn’t it? Here’s looking forward to a much brighter 2011! I am so excited planning it!

Christmas Eve was a busy day for me. Busy day because I had a million things to do, a cake to collect, last minute Xmas shopping and preparing our dessert for Christmas Eve dinner. I was in charge of dessert, cake aside. That was already stressing me out because I knew Mom was going to be busy cooking up a storm and I was on my own to drive these two monkeys around running my last minute Xmas errands. What more, Christmas Day was going to be even busier with our triple booked schedule. Alas, God heard me not wanting to attend the events of Xmas Day and blessed us with a boring stay in hospital instead!

From the word go, I was busy making breakfast but I noticed that my T1 was rather quiet and just laid there. If you knew T1, you’d know that she was always noisy, always moving; except when she’s reading or sleeping. Hmmm…..I asked her if she was OK. Positive nod. Baby T2 was her normal self roaming around walking in circles, digging into places she shouldn’t be digging. When I finished with breakfast and giving T2 her milk and diaper change, T1 suddenly came to me and asked if I could Reiki her stomach because it was painful. Hmmm……not a good sign.

I got her to sit beside me on the carpeted floor and laid my hands on her to pass her some positive Reiki energy and lo and behold, a spew of vomit projectiled onto me, the carpet, all over T1 herself; thankfully T2 was a distance away but when she saw the commotion, came running quickly to play with puke.


No, she didn’t get to touch the puke……because each time, I screamed, she would stop. Phew.

I ran back and forth to the kitchen, grabbing wet towels and paper towels and got T1 to the bathroom and got her to take and immediate shower. I threw her soiled clothes into the bath tub. I had the mess still to clean up in the living room before my baby started playing Picasso, and quickly soaked the mat and the towels into soapy buckets, whilst trying to salvage the carpet as much as possible. Oh well, good excuse to get a new one……

So finally when I got changed and quickly showered, T1 said she felt much better when I asked her if she was OK and attempted to eat her oatmeal breakfast. After a bite, she said she wasn’t hungry after all and just sat at the dining table making some Xmas cards.

And then suddenly again, all over the floor. This time, I ran into the kitchen to get a plastic bag to save myself from cleaning more puke. Obviously, it wasn’t over yet. After cleaning puke easier from the floor this time, I noticed that T1 could barely manage puking into the plastic bag obsessively clean-ly so I ran to get her a pail instead and lined it with a new plastic bag.

Because she was threatening to puke like every 10 minutes, I decided to take her to the Doctor. I made some calls but nobody was free to help me collect my cake, of which I had made a prior appointment, and certainly nobody could help me with my Xmas shopping etc. I packed and got T2 ready as quick as possible, called the cake maker to inform her of my predicament, and even on our way out the door, T1 was still puking. All yellow liquid. She carried her vomit pail all over the hospital and poor girl, vomited in the lift, vomited at the Doctor’s clinic…….and amazingly, strangers were kind enough to help me by passing me tissues and wet wipes for T1 since my hands were full carrying T2 and bags.

To cut a long story short, T1 suffered from a bad case of food poisoning and was admitted immediately. The yellow liquid she was puking was bile from her small intestines and the Doctor said that wasn’t good. She was put on a drip and monitored closely and we were put in the diseases ward. Yuck. We were given instructions to sanitize our hands every time we passed through her room door and were taught exactly how to do this. Very interesting.

Back up Xmas Eve plans were made and I cancelled our triple packed Christmas Day schedule. I felt so bad doings so. So, so bad. But my family, they really are the best. They brought Christmas Eve dinner to the hospital and made so much noise till other patients complained so they got kicked out just before midnight.

My brave T1 getting her drip administered with nurses holding her hands down in case she flinched. She was very brave….

Oh, do we not like the hospital then?

Twirling the drip tubes…..

On Xmas Eve evening, T2 plays the iPad……

Uncle Ben entertains T1…..

The Christmas cake that got delivered to the hospital, bless my cake maker!

That night, Uncle Ben was kind enough to stay with T1 in hospital so I could get a much needed rest but not without strict instructions from T1 to prepare exactly 2 butter cookies and 3 Chipsmore cookies and a glass of milk for Santa. I told her Santa was already quite large and perhaps needed only 2 cookies but she insisted no, put five. Ok!

It turns out T1 cried quite a bit on Xmas Eve night because she missed Mommy and Daddy after we’d left the hospital but we’d already told Uncle Ben he was on his own to sort her out. Muahaha! In the end, the nurses came in to pacify a crying 6 year old baby from 3-430am on Christmas Day. I was kind enough to make it to the hospital by 8am the following Christmas morning after which Uncle Ben went home immediately. Ahahaha!! Thank you, Uncle Ben!!!

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

15 thoughts on “The Christmas Eve of vomit

  1. oh no, poor t1….at least she’s well taken care of. looks like 2010 was many hospital visit for you all eh. 🙁

    here’s wishing no more hospital visits for 2011 and beyond! happy new year to all of you and take care!

  2. poor girl…poor mommy…what a time for this!! but hopefully she’s all OK now. do take a good rest as school is going to start soon. here’s hoping that you’ll have a better year for 2011 ya…
    take care & hugs!!

  3. oh dear oh dear. sorry to hear this. what an xmas eh? poor Tee. i hate drips especially on children 🙁 glad all is well now.

    A happy, healthy and prosperous 2011 to all of you.

  4. I’d seen families spending their Raya and Deepavali in the hospital. Very disappointed but the visits from their relatives and friends cheered them up.

    Is T1 still in the hosp? Poor girl. Hugs from Aunty Julie.

  5. Definitely an unforgettable Christmas. Never mind, there is still New Year’s eve to celebrate. Here’s wishing you guys a peaceful New Year.

  6. Awww… she look so sad… Did you tell her Santa came by and delivered her pressies? That will definitely lift her up a little.

    Hopefully 2011 will be a way much better year for you guys!!!

  7. poor u….its really hard when one kid is sick and then there is another smaller one who do not understand things and sometimes make things worse by coming to disturb our cleaning work. any plan to hire a live in maid or daily maid again?

  8. Poor T1! Definitely not a nice Christmas eve – she looks so miserable and so unlike her jolly self. I can imagine the crazy scene of having to pack both up and get to the hospital while she’s puking every 10 minutes.

    Could the docs determine what was the source? Really awful food poisoning for such a small kiddo. I am very, very paranoid about stuff like this esp as both my monkeys have seafood allergies.

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