Venues for Parties in Chiang Mai

After weeks of sourcing for a party venue, my brother Ben finally zoned it down to a house. He decided on the house since we were free to stay as late as we wanted and it offered more flexibility, plus it was a beautiful house! So if you’re ever thinking of having a private party in Chiang Mai, do consider renting out the house below. It belongs to a Thai VIP and it’s also up for sale (RM4.5m, I believe, if you’re interested check with my brother) as he is tired of upkeeping this holiday home.

What did we do on Day 2 party day?

We started the day off at a roadside stall – the BEST place for breakfast!!! However, the rest of my stay was spent eating breakfast at the hotel coffee house because my in-laws complained that babies shouldn’t be eating at roadside stalls – BAH!!! How to protest? Just shut up and obey…..wasted a couple of days of good ol’ Chiang Mai brekkies – BLEK! (whilst the rest enjoyed *envy*)

This roadside stall was near our hotel and served chicken rice, noodles and fresh yow char kuay which the Thai eat fondly with condensed milk – YUM. Coffee is great too. After brekkie, we walked back to the hotel where my girls fought over Uncle Ben. They’re ALWAYS fighting over Uncle Ben!!! Thus Uncle Ben had to summon up his extra muscle to carry BOTH of them spoilt girls…….for quite a long time too (I’ll bet he was secretly pleased when we finally left Chiang Mai!).

After rounding up the troops, we headed to the largest shopping mall in Chiang Mai near the airport for some shopping and lunch. Yeah, isn’t it terrible? We just had breakfast and our next stop was lunch……

The above stall served Pad Thai (Thai char kuey teow) and it was glorious. Large servings, very cheap, super delicious. And I don’t have a photo of it – how could I?!! TOO GREEDY! Even my T1 was starving that she had to eat her sister’s toes. May I remind you that this is immediately after breakfast……

After lunch, I went for a 2.5 hour massage whilst the rest shopped and at about 5pm, we finally headed back to the hotel for a quick shower and straight to the party, but whilst waiting for our transport, Nana (notice how skinny her shoulder is?) asked T2 if she’d like to sit on Tok-Tok and T2 went, Mmmmm….lemme see…….typical woman, she’s as fickled as they come. And just so you know, she was VERY picky in allowing just anyone to carry her. Only 4 people could carry her in our troop of 23.

So Nana sat on Tok-Tok instead. I would never carry the bag Nana is carrying below – LOL – but it is so Nana…..

Finally, we made it to the party venue…..

Sprawling several acres, it’s a large 2 storey house with vast garden space leading to a river. It also has a pool.

And a massage pergola beside the pool with 2 deck chairs and a massage bed. Can you see my trusty babysitter carrying T2 below?

The romantic pool of which my camera and photography skills did absolutely no justice.

One of the paths leading to the river, I wonder how they keep security at bay?

The house had a bar filled with ALCOHOL!!!

Another outdoor pergola. There were so many of these around in different shapes and sizes, sometimes just rocks as tables and chairs – WONDERFUL.

And sometimes in steel and timber…..and marble……and stone……

One of the outdoor decks…..with that haunted rocking chair. Don’t you think rocking chairs always give you that haunted feeling?

One of the living rooms.

See how my T2 got 2 old ladies to get onto the floor to crawl with her??? The power of being a baby!! Man, I miss those days….

One of the few family shots we got. Don’t know where Kong-Kong disappeared to *sigh* And no chance getting T1 photographed as she was too busy having fun with her cousins. Nana and Amah look so much shorter because Tok-Tok was standing on a higher step – surely!

Fresh Flowers…..Always a delights

Tok-Tok asking T2 for the first dance…….she turned him down.

Nana and Uncle Ben did such a fantastic job organising such a fabulous party. They even bought door gifts and wrapped them up, labeled and stuck an orchid on each present. Adoi!!! Too much time!!! Greatly appreciated though – most absolutely.

The menu of the night:

A spread of Thai starters comprising Thai fish cakes (delicious!), Thai sausages (wonderful!) and Thai Spring Rolls (perfect!) – T1 loved the spring rolls so much that she practically ate them for dinner. She must have had at least seven, I kid you not.

Som Tham – Thai Papaya Salad (beautiful!)

Thai deep fried fish

Thai red curry

Tom Yum, deep fried chicken, vegetables and a few other dishes…..

And then for dessert, there was fresh mango with sticky rice, water chestnut with coconut and lots of fruit plus other Thai delicacies….

I am always amazed at how the Thai take so much effort in beautifying their art of carving. Who has so much time to cut fruit??? Certainly not me!

Just look at these Star Fruit – flown all the way from Kota Bharu – LOL – They’ve been cut so perfect that they look like fish, don’t you think?

The highlight of the night, apart from celebrating with family, was the release of Thai sky lanterns into the sky. It is believed that you make a wish when you release one of these fire lanterns and your troubles will all fly away. It is also symbolic of good luck coming your way. It looked damn fun but I daren’t try…….I don’t like playing with fire.

Here, everyone walked down to the riverside and started lighting up and releasing their lanterns……it was amazing.

Nana and Tok-Tok fluffing about with their lantern………quite funny to see 2 old people wondering if they’d lit their lantern correctly. And T1 giving her unwarranted instructions. As usual.

An absolutely magical end to a birthday party.

With the last lantern flying high into the black midnight sky…..

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

11 thoughts on “Venues for Parties in Chiang Mai

  1. oooh.. i so enjoyed reading this post..the pics..the description…ah everything! Good ole thailand.. i miss thy kingdom so muchi.. Loy Kratong oredi eh? One of my fav. festivals…:)

  2. Hmm…thank you Tia and Tessa. Unka Ben’s got bigger muscles now. Better watch out cos I’m gonna give you both a big bear hug next time!

  3. that’s really a wonderful party to be in. hmm… perhaps i can try do this for my dad’s coming 70 big party. not in chiangmai tho, can’t fly my relatives over. as his bday is close to mine, eh, can celebrate my 25th party as well with him! good idea!

  4. yo…that sounds very FUN & it’s good that yr family members all so sporting !!
    got dance & shake yr butt off anot??

  5. Nana looks really happy. I’m very happy for her too. You mean you didn’t light the lantern, how could you not??? VT & I lit one in Koh Samui earlier this year. My troubles are still around though haha

  6. Any “dracula” sucking blood there? to me, outdoor=mosquitoes haven.

    I like staying in this house rather than booking a hotel. I hv a private pool n beach nearby..who needs a hotel then right..some more got massage parlour..

    Hey…how come no Perth write up one? or I;ve missed it?

  7. WONDERFUL beautiful pics Mamapumpkin! You’ve managed to capture the festive atmosphere in each of them…and food again! oh how i love looking at pictures of food!..Hey your mum is looking well albeit yes I agree, her shoulders are skinny.

  8. nice party for everyone. when i saw the photo of the ‘haunted rocking chair’, i can’t help but notice the orbs appearing that photo and also subsequent ones. so, you think that place is haunted? or just dusty? hehehhehehe

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