Flying BAT on Halloween

This Halloween, T1 said she wanted to be a BAT. Not Batman, not Batgirl, just a plain old simple BAT. The one that lives upside down in caves and eat fruit. OK!! I thought it was a wonderful idea and very original indeed, and before my brain could even go further, she brought me her A2 sized art block to show me that we could make her BAT costume out of the back cardboard of her art block. WOW!!! I was thoroughly impressed!!! We could indeed!!!

So then my brain started working on how we could make this bat costume (I am an architect after all so construction is in my nature) and seriously, making a BAT costume is no rocket science.

We completed the BAT costume over several days as we had to wait for the paint to dry (again, T1 had to paint her own BAT wings and she had so much fun painting it, she even sprayed glitter on it but it wasn’t very visible). Here are the results and a summary of our Halloween:


The scary BAT.



The BAT flirts with Robin of Batman and Robin. And whilst she wasn’t, she was seen literally flying around the entire ballroom scaring monsters and witches. Until she tripped. Licked her wounds. Then started flying again. Never learns…..



The BAT performs her stunts. The kids were told to get onto stage, stand behind the black line on the stage floor and dance to the music. What does T1 do? She starts dancing, gets carried away, and steps right into the FRONT of the stage, in FRONT of the black line when she was clearly told to stay BEHIND the black line, and continues her BAT stunts.



See how far in FRONT of the black line she is when everybody is obediently dancing BEHIND the black line? Actually, most of them were not even dancing, just standing like little lost kids with music blasting. T1 is just NOT SHY and for that, I will proudly announce admit she takes after me. A little. She was bloody hilarious, you should have been there to see her do her BAT stunts. She was so engrossed and just loves herself so much!



Naturally, being a mother, my heart burst with pride when they announced the BAT as best costume winner!!! Look at her, she was the shortest and the emcee even said that the present was bigger than the winner! If you’re wondering, it was a Barbie doll set with 4-5 gowns and usually, Tee hates Barbies and loves Ben10 and Transformers but this time, she actually played with her new Barbie doll for a bit as she got interested in changing her clothes over and over. So there’s hope for a more feminine daughter yet. After the costume parade, the kids were broken into teams and games were played.



The 1st game was to blow up a balloon each and then tie it up, and burst it with their foot. The 1st team to burst all their balloons won. I thought it unfair because look at my little T1. Being the shortest and the littlest, how was she to blow a balloon? She didn’t have the strength for it! So Mommy ran to her rescue and quickly blew it up for her and even tied it for her because seriously, do you expect a 5 year old to have the motor skills to tie a balloon? I don’t think so.



Then she tried really hard to burst it with her foot, got frustrated and started sitting on it!! She was so determined to win but her weight was just not heavy enough to burst that darn balloon!! If Mommy wasn’t so frightened of bursting balloons, I would’ve just burst it for her but shit, I ran a mile when this bursting business started. In the end, I screamed to her, “Pull out the hairpin from your hair and poke the balloon!!” which she did and it finally burst. But not fast enough to win the other teams unfortunately. I am so proud of my girl though that she is fearless of bursting balloons. Me? I’m a chicken.

The next game was a straw game where you had to transfer a rubber band with a  straw in your mouth but T1’s team had this tall guy (he was probably about 11 years old) who kept dropping the rubber band because his head always looked down and so his straw was pointing downwards and the rubber band kept falling to the ground. He obviously hadn’t learnt about gravity in school and kept making the same mistake over and over so in the end, T1 didn’t even get a chance to do her turn because every other team had completed the task way ahead of her team. I’m curious though, T1 hasn’t learnt about gravity in school either (not that I know of anyway) but common sense surely told her that if pointing the straw down didn’t work, then she would have to point it slightly up!

After that, they had to dress up one of their team members as an Egyptian Mummy so her team leader chose her to be the Mummy, since she was the smallest in size. This technically makes sense – smallest in size, fastest to dress up provided you have team members who know how. There was a fairly LARGE team member in her team who got visibly and audibly upset because HE wanted to be the Mummy and he argued that he was the LARGEST so he should be the Mummy (he was about 9 probably, if you looked at the pictures above on stage, you’d be able to spot half of him in a white robe on the extreme left). The team leader somehow managed to convince him that T1 should indeed be the Mummy so they got on to wrapping her up. Probably a bad move as the 5 boys who were in her team who were double her height, mind you, just couldn’t coordinate themselves to wrap a little short girl up as a Mummy. This was the result:


In retrospect, perhaps the team leader should have allowed the large boy to be the Mummy, then at least they would have had T1 as the mini leader to get things in in order.

Having said that, if I had been T1 on stage and they were selecting the best Egyptian Mummy, I would have shouted out that I SHOULD WIN because I was the ONLY Mummy who broke free from the bandages, which makes me the ONLY most powerful Mummy!! T1 was just looking forlorn that she was nowhere near looking like a Mummy when the boys were finished with her.



All in all, a GREAT HALLOWEEN, thoroughly enjoyed by my fierce BAT and her entire family (of course, the entire extended family troops along to witness any such activity of T1 as she is the star of the family. Just like this month, it’s concert month so we shall be having lots of family gatherings in support of our little superstar).

As a glimpse of last years Halloween for the sake of new readers, T1 was Dracula’s Bride last year. And because she won this year, she has already picked out another costume TO MAKE for next year and oh boy, I better start planning now for THAT one.

Not forgetting our little T2, Happy belated Halloween from us at the Pumpkin Patch!!!



Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

7 thoughts on “Flying BAT on Halloween

  1. Congrats on being the winner. Tee is indeed a very talented girl with lots of creative ideas… like the mum! T2 is getting cuter and prettier by the day. You must be doubly proud eh?

  2. What a wonderful Halloween! And Tee is really a gifted kid. Lucky, mummy! 😉

    By the way, I guess we will have more to share if you can hop over to my girl’s blog. Not my blogspot. Hehe……

  3. I must say the BAT costume looks good…and boy o boy..Tee is really so brave? sporting? bold to dance in front ….good that she is not shy type.

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