About Gucci bags and diamonds

I took Tee out for lunch today as I’d forgotten to prepare her lunch last night. Soon, I might forget she exists at the rate my brain is going.

At the restaurant, which was packed like a Guatemala prison, we finally settled after a huge negotiation about which high chair she needed to feel comfortable in. They had 5 Rubbermaid high chairs, some with attached tables, some without. They all looked the same to me but to the supersonic Xray vision corneas of a toddler, apparently not. Perhaps it’s just a height thing. Perspectives must be different from down under. She complained of dry stains, scratches, crooked attached tables and……more complaints without justification. I put it down to being a Virgo child. Fussy as hell.

Just when we were about to stuff our faces, a lady sat by at the next table which was literally kissing us, her face exactly 3 feet away from mine. They sure know how to maximise space these days. Talk about restaurant cosiness.

Tee exclaimed, “Mummy look! She has a Gucci bag!”

Assuming she was blabbering nonsense as usual whilst I chopped her noodles, I turned to look at the lady, who looked just as shock as I was, when I noticed her large Gucci bag. Before I could mutter a word, the lady smiled and commented,

“Your Mummy must have a LOT of Gucci bags!!!”

And before my brain could even register this information, Tee answered,

“No. Just a little one.” As she drew a rectangle in the air, just the size of mine, “Like that….”

I was by then flabbergasted. And speechless. For I didn’t know that my daughter, the one who is barely three years old, recognises a Gucci bag (the monogram) and then wondered to what extent her understanding of a Gucci bag is!

It’s not like we’re discussing Gucci bags at home, I assure you. I don’t even remember telling her that my bag was a Gucci bag. The only place where I can guess that she picks this up from is the day that the Gucci bag was presented to me by my darling friend from England. Tee was exactly 2 then. Perhaps it was from my reaction to receiving such an expensive gift, that Tee has isolated the Gucci bag.

Then Tee added pointing to the lady’s earings, “She has diamonds too, Mummy.”

“Your girl sure has it sussed out!” the lady laughed.

I wasn’t sure how to react. My little pumpkin has an inborn materialistic gravitation to the finer things in life. And she is observing what people WEAR!!!

*sigh* Where have I failed?

Whilst I don’t mind her appreciating beautiful things, I want her to know also that there is a world of beautiful things out there, beyond Gucci bags and diamonds…………….like the roses, and the trees, and the ocean, the sunset.

All things said, we continued our lunch with Tee making herself a new friend. The lady in her 40s, I learnt, has no children of her own but adores………………..children. And it made me realise that I take so much for granted that I have a beautiful child, whilst others are yearning so badly for one.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

11 thoughts on “About Gucci bags and diamonds

  1. Holy cow. My boys only notice cars HAHA my kids are turning into mall rats.

    Boys and girls. They are different from the onset of being in the womb. My paeditrician said that the genetic make-up of both are ENTIRELY different. Just imagine if one of your boys suddenly took a fancy to lace and embroidery? Hehe…

  2. It is ok to appreciate good things. My kids were like this when they were younger only because of my influence. My sister and friends used to say that I was not doing them a favour by giving them designer brands. When God called us to UK, I had to give up my job, our whole life turned around 180 deg. I thought my kids would suffer but instead they learnt from the things they had to go without and today, they are not brand conscious though they know what brands there are out there and the value.
    Your little darling will be fine. She is obviously very observant and a very intelligent girl.

    Thank you for the vote of assurance, Judy! I see so many rich kids (above 10) out there losing sight of what’s important and I think that if we, as parents, don’t steer them in the right direction, there may come a point of no return.

  3. oh relax. i find your girl an absolute dahling 😀

    nothing wrong with having an eye for the finer things in life and loving em bcos they are beautiful. it is the association of the stuff with the hefty price tag / hence a person’s “status” that i think we should stamp out. but she’s too young to know that they’re costly la…. so it’s most probably the former which made her so excited 😀

    but sigh….I do grit my teeth whenever i see students / youngsters spending their parent’s entire month salary on a BAG!!! makes me wanna bundle cairo to the kampung and raise her up there instead hahaha

    I feel exactly the same! I know so many rich kids who have so much and EXPECT so much, and more often than not, parents give them credit cards out of guilt. And some of these kids, I’ve seen them grow up since they were 5 to 30 and many of them are pretty screwed up. They are insecure, egotistical and to be honest, quite useless. Some call themselves CEO of a company but when I question them of their businesses and respective industries, it is apparent that they know crap. And they know this too. So they go out and buy sports cars because, hey….I have something you don’t. I have achieved! Bollocks, I say.

    Then, I know of kids who have a chip on their shoulder, and continue to spend parent’s cash on stuff they really don’t need, whilst their parents continue to toil to feed their kids’ indulgences. Just yesterday, I was advising a parent (even though it was none of my business but since I am so kepoh) that he should STOP giving his 32 year old money for cigarettes as his 30 year old WAS NOT WORKING. Fuck, even if he worked at McDonalds, I would have some respect for him.

  4. oh my oh my.. she’s such an observant little girl. it’s just amazin what kids are learnin though not everythin are taught.

    Tee has really got supersonic eyes. Sometimes she’d be in the car and notice a parachute or a balloon and I’d be like where? Where??? Then at others, she makes connections and informs me that so and so has the same shoe as Nana, or that girl has the same watch as another girl (totally different times, totally different scenarios). She amazes me, but I think it’s because she has a photographic memory because I used to have one too. So it’s very easy to retain information in the brain.

  5. hahaha,,she’s so adorable,,I LOVE HER! hahahah…hmmm I wonder if Kylie will go around pointing out the bag brands when she starts talking!

    You love her cuz she has the same taste as you, right or not?? Kylie will be strutting her stuff when she starts talking – Mummy, I want to match your Kors shoes today. No, the Prada colour doesn’t go with that. Watch and see….hehe

  6. Tee is super observant and smart!

    Yes, my mother would like to think so because she is always telling Tee and SHOWING her jewellery……to make sure she finds a boyfriend who buys those things for her!!! *roll eyeballs*

  7. Just the other day she mentioned that when she has money she was going to buy Mummy a Gucci bag, Daddy a new car, Nana new Rings – the Blink Blink kinds, God Ma a new phone…. wish i had recorded that…

    How come you didn’t tell me? She must think I have a Gucci bag fetish, which I don’t. But just in case anyone is feeling generous, please buy me Chanel, Tod’s or Marc Jacobs. Or Balenciaga, Mulberry, Bottega Veneta, Hermes……………

  8. Hey that woman might leave her diamonds & Gucci bags to T since she doesnt have children for all u know!

    HAHAHA!!! I never thought of that!

  9. My son recognizes Ferrari cars!!

    Oooohhhh…….When he gets one next time, make sure he takes ME for a ride 🙂

  10. Aiyoh, I scared to be seen by your girl now lah coz’ I no gucci bag and no diamond earrings. Hehehehe. Just kidding. She is a real cutie pie. As long as she has you to keep her grounded, not too bad lah.

    Hey, maybe she will notice something else about you? Hehehe….if she is not grounded, I will kick her backside up until she falls hard on the ground! That should serve as a reminder.

  11. wah, she sure knows the fashion.

    Mmm….not really la….it’s just coincidence. She chooses the most mismatching clothes and shoes sometimes. The other day, she insisted on going out wearing rollers in her hair.

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