Breastfeeding on Demand

What? You mean I have a new boss who demands me to do things? *gasp* It sure looks that way. Never underestimate size, people…….my new boss, she may be small, but she has lots of power.


I can’t believe I’m in confinement. It is the most boring prison sentence in the whole wide world. Plus my good friends from London are in town and I can’t even take them out. How cool is that?! And I can’t eat whatever I want.

If I ever, EVER, EEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR get pregnant again (touchwood this will not be happening), I will not get a confinement lady. I shall do as I please, intelligently.  🙂

To all you breastfeeding experts out there, I have some questions:

Why is my left boob significantly larger than my right? It looks rather bizarre and is making me quite self conscious although I haven’t even been out to have a chance to be self conscious. I can only imagine though, people zooming in on my chest like I have a swelling the size of a grapefruit and then on the other side, a large ripe pomelo harvested from steroid fertilizers.

How do you ever remember which boob was the last side that your baby fed on? What would happen if your baby fed on the same side twice? Is this why I have a pomelo on one side? Would the other breast that is not fed on accumulate with milk then explode? I’m worried here…

Because I have a very small baby, her mouth is proportionately small and this makes latching on very, very close to the nipple underside. What happens if your nipple is larger than the size of your baby’s mouth? I’m not saying mine is, I’m just wondering……Nevertheless, my nipples feel like they’re on fire. Where would I buy a nipple fire extinguisher from? I won’t pay anything more than RM10.

Can I drink Dom or Brandy if I’m breastfeeding? How much can I drink? What can I eat and what can I not eat really??? The Doctor says everything in moderation and that newborns are prone to having lots of wind anyway so it has nothing much to do with what I eat. What’s your take?

I would be most grateful if you could shed some light into this new world (for me anyway) of breastfeeding.

Thank you.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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14 thoughts on “Breastfeeding on Demand

  1. my right breast is bigger than my left coz my baby sucks longer on that side! dun worry lar, it wont explode 😛 but the milk production will reduce on the side that baby less suckles.

    as for the food, yes, pls refrain from taking anything that can cause tummy wind and makes baby poops bubbles.

    and i hate confinement month too. 😉

    what’s T2 real name arh? she is such a beautiful baby. i envy her sharp nose. 😉

  2. Hi mamapumpkin,

    – If one side of our boobs is larger than the other side, it means you’ll need to feed the bb more on the larger side. When we are so tired and busy taking care of bb, we usually lose track which is the last boobie that bb latched on. Result: One side big, one side small. Maybe that’s what happened to your boobies.But don’t worry, they won’t explode. It’ll just be more lumpy cause of engorgement.

    – Nipple on fire? Could it be your bb is sucking too hard? Or sometimes it could be due to thrush? (you can check bb’s tongue if she has thrush. If she does, most likely that’s what you’re having on your nipple).

    – I didn’t take DOM during my confinement period. Afraid that it will be secreted into b/milk and stay in bb’s liver. However, experts advice to only b/feed the bb at least 3 or 4 hours after you take DOM.

    Hope the above helps.
    Happy Breastfeeding 🙂 I will always support you 🙂

  3. Err..happy mcboobie-ing.

    I’m happily off bfeeding… OFF OFF OFF! HOORAYYY!!

    And of course..I also will always support you.

    You get mastities next time.. just email me. heh..

  4. u can drink, so do it immediately after u finish feeding your baby. this way, the alcohol will not be so strong in your body anymore when u feed another 1 or 2 hours later.

    halo..u got kena confine meh? someone reported seeing you out from house ler..hehehe

  5. oh yes, big one side thing. u alternate feeding, although the amount may not be same. this way, it is more balance. u can also try this, to stimulate the side with less milk, pump that side while u feeding on the “bigger” one.

  6. Yes I too had diff sized breasts & as said u need to let bb suckle more on the larger breast. Abilash used to prefer one side of my breast & caused the other one to be larger.

    I think u shd be careful with anythg alcoholic & food that cause gas.

  7. Hi Mamapumpkin,

    Can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss breastfeeding! It’s just so nice to cuddle them close, esp in winter they’re like little hot water bottles! hehe…

    Anyways, I thought that there’s always one breast that’s more efficient than the other. My left breast was significantly larger than my right one too, and it’s just plain awkward! And it’s that breast that baby prefers to drink from. As long as they’re not engorged, I don’t think there should be a problem with it. Agreed, sometimes I just feel like toppling over to the left side with the magnitude of it all! Teehee… A breastfeeding consultant here actually advised me to encourage feeding from the SMALLER side, so it gets stimulated more often. This is contradictory to the previous comments though… ???

    I remember using a hair band, or what you call it??? Scrungie? I hang it around my wrist, the side that I last feed on (2nd boob), so I remember to start feeding on that side next. Then swap it around.

    Nipple extinguisher? Ahhh… there’s an ointment called “Lansinoh” here (Australia) which is Lanolin that worked wonders for me. It is safe for baby too. Otherwise I also used paw paw ointment. They’re both inexpensive here. I think I’ve seen them in KL before, just a tad more expensive. Another thing called Mother’s Mates, which is a disc shape gel thingy that you put in the fridge and then apply it over the nipple after a feed. BLISSFUL! But costs a lot! I think they come from UK.

    Small amounts of alcohol shouldn’t hurt I guess. But yeah, down it after the feed. I used to do it… it helps put me down too (to sleep)! hahaha… and my husband calls me an alco!

    Sorry for the long winded comment!!!! Happy breast feeding!!


  8. My boops are also of different sizes and the larger one produces more milk. I always let my baby suckle longer on the one that produces more milk. And yes, sometimes I tend to forget which side of my breast I’ve fed my baby but after feeling my boops, I’ll know that the fuller one is the one that has not been emptied yet haha! Got to touch the boops discreetly lar and know what, I still do that very often to keep track haha!

    During my confinement, I drank quite a bit of Chinese wine and thankfully, my 3 babies were all ok – no wind and no colic! I hated Dom coz it’s really sweet. I prefer Yomeishu – not sweet and more nutritious.

  9. after consuming the alcohol i guess hv to rest at least half n hour before for the nipples on fire…got to tahan la…i wudn’t wanna put anything foreign on it cos thats where bb sucks leh,,,

  10. Haha… freakin period for me during confinement time. Only 1 question for you, how do you able to find time to blog hah? My confinement period is so exhausting that of my baby took a nap, I’ld passed immediately.
    * You can have DOM, around 3-4 TB once a day, I took it at night. DOM help us sleep and poo better and able to stimulate more breast milk.
    * Your baby only suck on your nipple and it’s wrong and it’s the reason why you felt your nipple’s on fire. T2 must not only sucking your nipple but part of your aerola ( depend on your nipple and areola size) so not only you’ll free of pain but help T2 to get her breast milk more efficiently
    * If you’ve cracked nipple, use nipple butter. I recommend ‘mother rose nipple butter’ you can buy them from online store in Singapore (I think maybe it’s
    * If there’s no crack and your nipple is quite flat, use silicon nipple cover/nipple shield each time you breastfed, temporary only
    * No, you’ll just get engorgement and suffer with pain hehehe but just plain hot water compress will slowly release it.
    Pump it out some then, so you boob not too swelling.
    * I used hair band, each time I breastfed so I was able to keep track which boob I last fed my baby.
    * GOOD LUCK 🙂

  11. as long as its cooked properly i think it should be alright. as for dom, i think baby belum pengsan i pengsan edi. tried it once and totally konked out laughing like mad woman. can’t take alcohol.

    and yeah my one side is bigger than the other side. Best is drink one side, pump the other side, then u get extra storage and trick yr breast to produce more. if not err try stickering the boobies?
    when i had my no1 i used to write what time fed. If can u can also write which side u just fed?

    my nipples are huge, so huge that jayden calls them hotdog. But luckily i’m off breastfeeding now, so the rest all back to normal sigh… except my nipples. Cham or not?

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