Post Delivery News

1.          It was a great C-sec. operation that went smoothly. The Hubs took loads of photos in the operating theater. T2 cried before she was even fully yanked out of my uterus! I witnessed the entire process. Here’s a gory photo of how they yanked her head out first when she had already started crying. Waist down, she was still inside the uterus! Can you see below her waist? That is my TUMMY! I thought that was so cool!


2.          Recovery in hospital was good. We got discharged on the 2nd day – for a C-section operation, that’s pretty amazing, almost like a normal delivery. Of course, it isn’t, because I am in so much pain now. We had put aside 25k (double of Tee’s birth) because we knew that T2 might have needed NICU (neonatal intensive care) but thanks to Reiki (yes, I really do believe in Reiki), she was allowed to be discharged in 2 days despite being only 2.4kg and being incredibly tiny. I mean, her wrist is the size of my thumb….Our hospital bill even ended up being a few grand cheaper than Tee’s birth so yippee! Well, my darling Doctor gave me a discount, bless her kind soul.

3.          Tee is slowly adjusting to being a big sister. She was initially very jealous despite all the preventive action taken but seems to now adore her little baby and loves touching and kissing her. She has even accepted that she can no longer sleep next to me and now sleeps next to Daddy. That’s a HUGE milestone for Tee. She has also been very helpful with the baby since Mommy is hardly mobile.

4.          T2 seems to be more gentle and more feminine than Tee. She does not like poop in her nappy and insists it be changed IMMEDIATELY. Other than that, she cried, opened both her eyes on the day she came out and is very alert. It’s strange that something premature and so tiny can be so alert, but Thank God. She has a dimple, is very sweet and has smiled on occasion, especially with nice voices.
My breast milk has come in and T2 feeds every 4 hourly now. I think it’s a miracle. She is only 4 days old. Touch wood this will not change.

5.          Some people (let’s not mention names shall we?) are driving me nuts!!! Today, she says I CANNOT eat eggs because I have a wound that needs to heal. The next day she allows me scrambled eggs for breakfast, apparently she’s changed her mind. Then they harp on about how I CANNOT have ice-cream, call me sick in the head, say I need a psychiatrist for my cravings and psychological problems (these are really not things you tell a Mom who’s just delivered or anyone, for that matter, because it is just plain rude) but thankfully, I am not suffering from any depression (yet) so I am able to tell myself that they are just old and senile and to just bear with them for one month. Nevertheless, it is annoying.

6.          Because I had some forbidden food, they are all laughing and doing the WE TOLD YOU SO dance, when T2 pooped 6 times last night. That’s the most she has ever pooped on Day Three! Till I discovered that breastfed babies actually poop after every feed. Uh-huh….my pediatrician said breast milk is a natural laxative and breastfed babies poop a LOT! So it has nothing to do with forbidden food. I have been told I can eat ANYTHING although admittedly certain foods will cause some discomfort to baby, like chillies may cause rashes etc.

7.          Other than that, all is great! I love having a newborn who’s such a little darling. The Hubs is on paternity leave for a month (thank goodness, because he is my saviour from confinement blues) and Tee is also being an angel. So all is well 🙂


Me hugging T2 when she was 7 minutes old……what is she thinking???

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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31 thoughts on “Post Delivery News

  1. Oooo… congrats dearie. Yeah.. C-Sect is always so easy but the pain after.. kakaka. Glad to see you recovering well. LOVEEE the pic with your tummy.. got anymore pics of that? Hubby wasn’t allowed during mine so no pics at all 😀

  2. wow that was quick of u to update us and share the precious pics of another pretty girl of urs! congrats MaMapumpkin!!

  3. Congrats! Cute lil baby there! Glad to see you are back writing again….that means all is well 🙂

  4. You made it, you made it! Congratulations! My two-cents on confinement : they don’t mean you harm at all. I went through my confinement in full Chinese style (no hairwash, no aircon, no eggs in the first 10 days, just to name a few) and I like to think I owe my good health now to all those ‘nonsense’ beliefs back then. You’re lucky you can blog. MIL would ban me from the PC. “You want to go blind??” I can imagine her saying. Take care and happy “being-a-cow” :p

  5. Congratulations on your new baby girl! I find her looking like you and Tee.. =) I am happy that everything went well for you. Congratulations once again!

  6. Congrats woman!! Good delivery. Wah, baby got lots of hair. Have a good 1st mth since you have everyone around to pamper you. u breastfeeding direct or pumping (since she is so tiny)?

  7. Congratulations! My girl was tiny too at 2.5kg.
    My doc advised that I feed on demand.
    You don’t have to do it if T2 is alright. Rest well!

  8. OMG!! Congrats woman!! I am glad that ALL went so smoothly. What a blessing!

    It will take some getting used, to seeing another baby girl in here, after all these while of reading all about Tee only. I think it’s lovely and sweet that this little girl is joining in the main cast of this blog. 🙂

    Well, you get plenty of rest now, and eat well. Yeah.. I agree with Pek Imm.. just think, “they mean me no harm”, and that way, you’ll look at it from another standpoint and won’t feel annoyed. 🙂

    Take care.

  9. 2.4kg and a preemie? I thought she’s almost a full term baby. How week were you when you deliver?
    Anyway, glad to hear that everything is well. Take care.

  10. Congratulations on your wonderful news!! I have been following your blog for several months now. I love your writing. It always makes me smile.

  11. congrats!!! 2.4 oni, that is even more tiny than my brand new nephew. urgghhh!!! how i wish i c an cuddle yours too. i sooooo love newborns.

    btw, cannot eat egg, chicken and all those gatal2 seafood and certain fishes ok. i oni hv laparoscopy and i’m abstaining from them; scared the wound will hv puss leh.

  12. congrats on your new arrival!! Can’t believe you have all this energy to type up the post. Rest more ya. Need more time to heal after C-sec.

  13. just gorgeous!!! congrats to all of you! c-sec post surgery healing takes awhile, but when u heal well, it’s all good. So take your time to heal..don’t rush into doing superwomanly thingies..

  14. oh..when u’re bandages come off, put on that silicon thingy for scars. It will minimise your bikini line scar. Ask your OBGYN for it.. I’m sure she’ll know what I mean..

  15. I am so happy all went smoothly and I think that is such a cool photo of them taking baby out of your tummy. You look great. Enjoy her.

  16. Congrats…i love the photos.. and congrats Tess now you are ‘car-chair’

    and thanks Mummy for updating so quickly

  17. Your baby is SOOO beautiful! I can’t believe she’s a preemie coz she doesn’t look like one. You were discharged after just 2 days? That’s really amazing. The pic of T2 being yanked out is awesome!
    What’s Reiki?

  18. I haven’t read the post fully, just browsing the headlines.
    CONGRATULATION!!!! You both take care ya!!!!

  19. CONGRATTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! T2 already loks like T. So glad that all of u r doing well. Take care & enjoy ur confinement!

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