Unusual discharge is never normal in pregnancy

Following on from the period like cramps and ‘rainbow’ discharge, I called my Doctor after breakfast this morning whilst I was on my computer to inform her of my state of affairs. She was too busy with patients to come to the phone but the nurse got my message through and then ordered me to get to the hospital immediately.

“What?! Can’t I come later?”

I had JUST turned on the computer and was busy with some work. The thought of shutting everything down, getting dressed to go out when Tee only finished school at 3pm was such a d….r….a…..g……

“No! You better come now!!”

Hey, I thought the medical profession was supposed to calm patients, not freak them out! I grudgingly snail-paced my XXXXL body into the bedroom and made it to the hospital by 10am, where I was rudely greeted in the Labour Ward with a DIRTY room (yes, just wait till I blog about that later with photos and all!) to have a CTG done. Just to check that the baby was OK first and foremost.

Half an hour later, I went up to see my Doctor who confirmed that I wasn’t having real contractions yet. However, the Ultrasound scan of my inerts showed that my placenta was dying. Yes, dying……

It was large like a monster and had white spots all over. In medical terms, it is known as Third Degree Calcification of the Placenta. Interesting, huh? Apparently, we wait for FOURTH degree calcification of the placenta, meaning the placenta is dead (OK, almost near death) when the baby will NEED to come out. Instead of the baby coming out in 4 weeks time, it is highly likely that she will come out within the next 2 weeks. Actually, the Doctor is hoping that she sticks it out for as long as 2 weeks because people, my placenta is DYING!!!

After the Ultrasound, my Doctor had to insert 2 sterilised gloved fingers up my ‘you know what’ and man, oh man! I let out a yelp that sure didn’t remotely sound like an orgasmic yelp! What’s up with that anyway? I thought horny pregnant women would be delirious to have two fingers up there or anything that felt like a penis but not this time. I was squelching in pain and I knew my Doctor was thinking to herself, “This one…..no way will she be able to go through a natural childbirth…..if she did, the entire hospital would be vibrating and shuddering with the loudest, longest screams of murder,” whilst she shook her head in pity.

I finally took a breath when she slid those eels out (yes, they felt like eels….now you know why I was screaming) when. WHEN.


She dropped a bomb on me.

“I’m going to have to give you an injection.”


“Yes, it is highly likely that the baby will be premature so rather than take the risk of baby having to go into NICU for 3-4 weeks and all that hassle, the uncertainties of her health when she comes out, it is much safer that I give you an injection to mature her lung development.”

“Is it going to be painful?” I asked and I could already feel my body tensing up even before they had started getting the syringe and vials ready.

“Yes. It will be painful. I won’t lie to you.”

Gee, thanks for making me relax.

“Where will it be injected?”

“On your buttocks.”

“What??!! Will I be able to drive home?”

“In a bit….”

“Haiyo!!! I come with front side pain, now back side also pain!!”

Guess what happened next?

More screams travelled through the gynaecological suite that lasted a good 15 minutes because that bitch of a jab swelled my entire right bum cheek and warranted me crippled from getting off the bed, let alone put my pants on myself. Embarrassing.

It didn’t end there, because the next bomb was dropped next. I’m telling you, this Doctor, she’s very strategic in her moves.

“Tomorrow, you have to come at exactly the same time to get another jab.”


“Yes. To balance out your bum.”

Mamapumpkin fainted right there……


So people, that is the state of my affairs. The baby’s head has engaged down there causing excruciating pain in my vagina. The Doctor says it is because the baby is opening up the cradle? Girdle? I can’t remember, but something about the baby rocking the cradle/girdle, causing the pain. I can hardly pee with only trickles dripping out every time because THAT BIG HEAD is pushing against the urine stream.

When I came to and walked out of the Doctor’s Suite, everyone asked if I needed a wheel chair but I politely declined every concerned face.

Mamapumpkin is fine. She can do this on her own -walk all the way to the parking lot from the 4th floor, like she’s hiding a brand new Nikon D70 inside her vagina.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

15 thoughts on “Unusual discharge is never normal in pregnancy

  1. Goodness gracious! I would have pengsan a long time ago if tat happened to me. But you’re really one tough cookie dear.. hang in there.. talk to baby. Ask her/him to hang in there. You take good rest and TRY not to move about too much. Hugs !!

  2. Oh my word! what an ordeal. I cringed just hearing about the injection. YOu’d think me as a grown woman would be over that but no I hate and fear them. You’re a tough one. I am glad you contacted them though. Take care of yourself

  3. This is scary knowing that the baby source of food is dying. Did you ask the doctor whether your baby is getting enough food with that dying placenta of yours? I am VERY worried for you n your baby now.

    And you really have low pain tolerance eh. 😛

  4. I was kinda worried,not hearing from your yday afternoon. I thought you might be in labour.
    T2 – hang in there, 2 wks more only. Be gentle to Mama ok ?

  5. haloooooooo!!! After all these, yet the craving for durian last night??!??! What were you thinking?!? 😀

  6. Oh gosh..I can definitely understand all the screaming. Just scream your lungs out…doesn’t matter. I just screamed and screamed when they put the fingers inside you-know-where to remove the blood clot inside until they had to stuff the Etonox gas for me to stop me from screaming :).

  7. hahaha.. how’s your bum now mamapumpkin?? 😉

    I have never heard of a “dying” placenta, until now, and it sounds eeky.. In any case, take it easy now, rest well, do not over exert. You’ll need to reserve your energy for when you push, that is if you are going for natural childbirth.

    Oh, and I was one of the women who shook the hospital with my loud long screams. When I was strong enough to emerge from my ward the next morning to go to the nursery, the nurses were like, “Were you the one who screamed last night?” 🙁 🙁

    I was on epidural the first time round. Second one, too confident, too gung-ho, opted for painrelief free natural NATURAL childbirth. Regretted it!! hahaha

  8. omigod…you made me laugh so hard. sorry eh? you were in so much pain and here i am…laughing away. can’t help it…too funny!!! take care,ok? hope your derriere is better now. baby will be alright after these jabs?

  9. LOL!!! Laugh at mommy to chumsy comment, but hor, when i read this post, first part i felt “kan jiong” for you and i feel the pain, but second part, i laugh so loud!! Sorry, i know i shouldn’t laugh at you, but, the way you put it, it’s really funny!!

    Take care!!

  10. oh my…i m so soreee and heartbroken to hear the ordeal u had to go thru…glad it didnt affect ur sense of humor though 🙂 take care ya!

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