The whirlwind life of Mamapumpkin


Yes, it certainly feels like that! Time just flies by so incredibly fast when you are actively having fun! And you know what my greatest joy is? Making other people happy too! I am just so blessed to be able to do that. All the people who need more money? I work towards guiding them right there and I am SUCCEEDING IN DOING JUST THAT!!! Can you imagine how happy my friends would be when they are getting an extra RM15,000 every month from passive income on top of their full time jobs? And what more, BECAUSE they are my friends, all the more joy I get from it because it is all about love, isn’t it? And all the people who need help to heal who cannot afford our marvellous products? I help make that happen too. I am not God but I sure can help.

Another super busy Mom (amongst the hundreds of Moms whom I have already helped to get passive income for) is the very famous Health Freak Mommy. This woman runs several businesses and has 3 girls who keep her on her toes, yet from doing very little, she is able to earn RM2,000 monthly. Just like that. If she can do it, anyone can! Just imagine, she really has not much time at all yet. I have HUNDREDS of Moms who are earning RM2,000 a month or more. Really. But I also have more than a dozen Moms who are earning RM5,000 monthly and half a dozen who are earning over RM10,000 monthly. Isn’t that awesome???? Come on, tell me that’s not awesome??? In a year, all these ladies have gotten some free money to supplement their family lifestyle and they all get to give back. I love it!!! It is all EXTRA money that they get to save or do whatever the hell they want with.

And the most exciting part for me, is that a whole flood of new blood has just joined my team this year that has just made the team explode like a rocket ship being launched into space. We have high profile investment bankers, private bankers, Specialist Doctors, Managing Directors, Businessmen, you name it, we have it. And everyone is doing it for a bigger purpose. Doesn’t anyone ever wonder why we do what we do and how we do it? Heck, to earn RM100,000 a month is a pretty good deal from just having some fun with great friends holidaying around the world and eating good food, don’t you think? I always flip thinking of the endless gratitude that so many give to me for ending their suffering.

But hang on a minute. All the jealous people in the world are suddenly saying, we don’t need money to be happy. Duh. Of course not. Do you think I don’t know that? I was already very happy before I started Izumio. Most people are born happy. And then life takes over and they go chasing after that rainbow in a vicious rat race. This is not what we do. We are not chasing for money. It is coming to us. And we have a purpose to channel all this money into the right places.

What I learnt in this business is the marriage of loyalty with stupidity. I know how some people are loyal and how some are stupid but to marry them together? There really are some women who are loyal and would rather see their families suffer than give Izumio to their families. Crazy. It’s like they know it is good for them yet they are so afraid of breaking that loyalty. They are afraid of what their friends would say. And we are even telling them they can have it for free yet they choose to let their families suffer. CRAZY. And if one day, a member of their family were dying in hospital and if they knew that Izumio would save them, do you think they would then take it? That’s the problem when you have one carrot too many up your arse. Just live. Life is too short for grudges.

Life has been great. Alhamdullilah. Thank you, Mama. I know you are taking great care of me. Despite all the haters. One just cannot get away from haters when one moves up. The moment you do not fall into line with what one person wants and do things not in that person’s way, bang. You have a hater.

One little ciku that has been making my day is this little nyonya from my business partner and loyal friend (thank God, she’s not stupid despite being very loyal). She is just the cutest little button in the world and I just LOVE her to bits! I have been monitoring my time with her at every visit and slowly but surely, I have managed to win her over. Oh, yea baby… happened at the Naturally Plus office too. I was put in charge of babysitting her and had to follow her everywhere in the office. Her favourite pit stop was the Dubai stage where we have our fun photoshoots at every opportunity. Yeah, we are vain like that! And obviously this little ciku shares our vanity! Gosh, tell me she isn’t super adorable??? I just want to bite her and eat her up. So I followed her around and she asked me for a cup. I gave her a cup and we became the BEST of FRIENDS. The rest as they say is history……..

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There is this other little girl who cracks me up. She is a Vocal and Maths teacher just like her crazy Mom. But man, this little girl can really sing!!! I must organise a KARAOKE session with her soon. I love all my friends little girls (and boys). I love my entire Naturally Plus A-Team. Everyone is like family. We just get on and laugh every day, trouble shoot together, support each other, take the micky out of each other and generally have a really good time. The mix of people we have on my team are broad, from young farts up to old grandmas, from serious business people to can’t give a rat’s toss types, from highly educated Doctors to people who never went to school, all races, all backgrounds; and the one thing that brings us together in all certainty is that we are here to help make this world a better place.

When I look back at the last year of my time with my family holidaying around the world, I feel so blessed. We can afford to spend real quality time together so much and soon, the Hubs will retire and we can really make our daughters’ lives a living hell. Soon, I will be off to KB, then KK, then Japan, then Dubai, then to the beach, then to New Zealand, then to Japan AGAIN, then Italy, then Bangkok. Like WTF????

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The Hubs is blessed too that he can take so much time off work to go holidaying with us. Whatever it is that my Mom has gone through, all her suffering has really turned into my good fortune. I cannot thank her more for my life.


Last November, we made a pit stop to Sydney for a week to visit some family and our old boss from Davenport Campbell. We had so much fun. Later, we went to Niseko and Tokyo to visit old friends including the Hubs’ astronaut friend and my childhood friends, and that was so incredible as well.

This year, my whirlwind began with a trip to KB and then a pit stop in Bangkok to watch Madonna – MY IDOL. It was over the Chinese New Year break and so I had to sneak away for 2 days just to watch for once in my lifetime and I have no regrets. If I had to pay RM10,000 to watch Madonna again, I would!! Because she was so worth it!!!

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My girls are doing well. They are super healthy and polite. They are not super rude like some children. My big girl made some granola bars today. They tasted fabulous! There goes my bum from big to elephant. My housekeeper is super perfect. She happens to be Jo’s Bowz’s Aunt and I couldn’t be more happy to have such an amazing housekeeper who takes such incredibly good care of us. You know how they always say don’t mix business with pleasure? Or don’t do business with friends? Or don’t help your friend with money otherwise you may have problems later? Once upon a time, a friend asked me if she should do business with another mutual friend of ours. I said why not? She said, well…you know, if anything goes wrong, then the friendship would be bruised. So make sure nothing goes wrong then! To me, it was pretty straightforward. If you cover all your bases from the start, like a real business contract, then what could go wrong, right? So they went ahead and proceeded with their monthly transaction and lo and behold, me being the mutual friend, the complaints started coming in. Hmm. If you wanted to help someone less fortunate, then you shouldn’t have any expectations. And if you did not want to get paid so lowly, then you shouldn’t mask yourself as being so charitable when actually you wanted more? Sorry, but I am just too bloody straightforward like that. If I am not wanting to give you any money, I will just tell you to fuck off. I don’t have to show that I am charitable. If you think I am an unselfish cow, that is truly your right.

So coming back to doing business with friends. When Jo first proposed the idea of using her Aunt as my housekeeper, I jumped at the opportunity! Hey, any help is good help! But some people said, oh….better not work with friends. If anything happens, your friendship would be bruised. I did take a step back to think especially since this was an employer employee kind of scenario but in the end I thought, WTF!?? I am a good person. There is absolutely ZERO reason why anyone should have anything against me. My conscience is crystal. So I went for it and OMG, it has been the best thing ever!!! She is like our Mother Hen and we love her to bits. She is like the Aunty that I would take care of forever. She is practically family to us. Again, I am so very blessed. Thank you. Thank you to whoever who engineered this to happen.


For all my life’s blessings, in memory of my absolutely beloved mother whom I treasure with all my heart, this is for you, Mom. I know you are watching over me here below, because life has never been so perfect. Thank you. I only wish you were here physically to jet set with me because we would be having a ball of a time together playing scrabble in every city.


Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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