Hello December!

Hello December! I have never felt closer to my departed Mama than now so very strangely because it is almost as though she talks to me, guides me and leads everyone from Taiping to me. I kid you not??? I have never known so many people to come from Taiping and they all want to do the Naturally Plus business!!! How come??? Even strangers or friends of friends of friends eventually sign up and I eventually find out that they originate from Taiping. So WEIRD!!!! It must be my Mama, orchestrating everything from above. I have never been happier because life is so smooth now and the only thing missing is her physical presence. I so know she is with me. I feel her, I hear her, I follow her. She is everywhere and she is giving my girls a really good life too. SPOILT!!! Alhamdullilah, what can I say? THANK YOU, MAMA!!!

End of Year School Results

I went for Report Card Day today which I found quite amusing. T1, the teachers complained that she is very quiet in class and they wish she would participate and speak up more. She has gone from a noisy little chipmunk to a mature young lady. I cannot get over it but more so the teachers who have seen this little noisy rambunctious girl when she first started Reception and spanned just under 3 feet to a mysterious young lady almost as tall as Mommy, who is now just sweet and silent.


Where did my T1 go?????

Everyone was so worried. The teachers kept saying she is so shy…..they even made ME worried.

So I had a chat with her when we left school and she said that there were so many people in class fighting to answer questions, why fight with the crowd? And that is true because the teachers said she knew all the answers yet she would not participate in class. She said she was happy to let her friends have a chance and the limelight. She didn’t need it.

I’ll be watching this girl. She had straight A’s as usual without studying except for her Bahasa which she got a high C for. The teacher said she should start reading Bahasa books to which she protested, “NoOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOO!!!!!”

So guess what? Whilst we are on holiday this month, I will just make sure she reads a Bahasa book – LOL!!!

T2, on the other hand, all the teachers looked at me. GULP!!! Why are they all looking at me!!!???

Guilty as charged. I do not lift a single finger to help T2 who is already weak at her studies. I do not help her with her homework, I do not help her with her weekly spelling and I do not help her with any of her exams. Sadly, the results show. The teachers KNOW when she gets zero for her weekly spelling that she has not revised her spelling at all. Oops.

I should really take her studies more seriously. Sigh. OK, new resolution for next year. I told T2 that we will improve her grades for sure! Because Mama will make time to guide her. She was so happy. Poor child.

Holiday Planning Boo-Boo

So I fucked up our internal flights and had a problem changing them because the websites were all in foreign Japanese which I of course could not read nor understand. Dealing with the Japs are difficult. Booking hotels that could fit all 4 of us was difficult online so much so that I had to call Tokyo a few times in order to get this done. Similarly for this flight boo-boo, I had to chase the airlines all over the place before I finally managed to get this change, literally tonight! It’s a good thing we noticed the boo-boo early though or we would have missed the flight. Can you imagine?

We’ve been busy purchasing winter wear from Marks & Spencer and Uniqlo. Still a few more things to get and will probably get them from the winter shop at Pavilion as awe were told that it was going to be super, super, super, duper cold. It is currently 0 degrees so what do you think the temperature will be over Christmas? I am so not looking forward to this. I already bought a stylish (but of course!) pink faux fur stole to protect my precious neck from the wind from Banana Republic and when T2 saw it, she wanted it immediately. Nooooo!!!! It’s too expensive to be shared!!!


Our holiday budget has also gone out of whack because we are now staying longer due to lack of flight options and hotel options so c’est la vie. I am sure it will be good. Hopefully as good as Europe last year was but I am not sure it can be with the cold torturing me. I am confident that I won’t have people messaging me to bitch about others this time round though. Surely that must be a good thing!!!

Christmas Holiday, here we come!!!

Young Livings Malaysia Shopping Spree

After using these oils for 6 months and thoroughly enjoying them, I went out to purchase a whole load of oils again. I did it because they work. I had a neck ache the other day and my friend gave me some Deep Heat Roll On to apply and it was so much better within seconds. They’re costly but they’re so fun and gives me the feel good factor. Plus they all smell so good and de-stressed me after a long hard day at work. Not that I work very hard these days but hello, children are bloody hard work, OK?!? I shall talk more about them once I get to know my oils better but what I do love is that I can now make my own home made toiletries. Love! Love! Love!

Business Growth

My business has boomed. Because I believed and because I did what the system said to do, I will very soon be earning RM50-70k per month. My big boss keeps reminding me of that fact. It is just too amazing for me to comprehend. From taking the products for myself to sharing with others in helping them heal, all of a sudden all this cash keeps pouring into my account? Pinch me. That is the power of multiplication. If i help just 2 people and they in turn help another 2 and they in turn help another 2, in exactly 12 months, I would have a team of over 8,000 people. Realistically, this may not be possible because how many people care to help others and make sure that others help others, right? Most people are just sceptical or lazy or just plain simply cannot be arsed as they are too engrossed in their own problems. But if only they knew! If only they knew that THIS was an opportunity out of their hole whether it is health, financial or emotional issues. The Naturally Plus business covers all sectors of human excellence. I am grooming so many people to reach their goals. Some want to get well. Some want to live longer. Some was to get rid of pain. Some was more money. Some want LOTS of money. Some want to be happy. Some want time freedom. I give them all. Only those who really want it of course. Why the heck should I care if people don’t care enough themselves for themselves? So yeah…..this is no Mickey Mouse game. It is the freaking most awesome ride of my life.

Here is what one of my team members has to say about her experience with my team, the BEST team to do the Naturally Plus business with in Malaysia. Why? I will tell you why. Because we grow you. I have the talent in bringing out the best in you so why not give yourself a chance once in this lifetime? What have you got to lose? You will never know what you’ve missed if you have not tried. And you know what? I don’t give a shit if you try or not because I am already happy where I am. But I am humble enough to say if you want this, we will help you. I will help all women get there. For me, it is women empowerment. All women should have a back up plan. And the best part, it is savings for the children, charity and the sick who have no options because they are too poor. I fucking LOVE my freedom I kid you not.

And ever since I became the Rookie of the Year (2nd Runner Up), everyone has been starting Facebook pages to emulate but it’s not so easy. At the end of the day, you buy people. If a CEO of a company were good and favoured, the company would boom. If not, perhaps not. I am grooming my next Rookie of the Year for Next Year and I will make damn sure that MALAYSIA wins it in real terms i.e. without having to pay anyone to get it. Come take on my challenge, peeps! I dare you.

Seriously, I am so, so, SO damn proud of my team of women. They seriously make me so proud in their achievements, their love, the team work involved, their sincerity in helping others. I want them ALL to succeed. My next line of leaders are heading towards the RM10k per month mark. To think that this is all passive extra income we all never had. Many of my leaders are about to give up their full time jobs because the NP business is just too lucrative without the same corporate slog for less money. Win-Win-Win indeed it is. I am so fucking blessed.

Boy’s Trip

The real reason I can rattle on and on this evening is because the Hubs has gone off to Pangkor Laut for a boy’s trip. It is only for 2 nights and I cannot complain because after all, I have spent a week in The Maldives whilst he babysat the kids, a week in Japan whilst he babysat the kids, several nights here and there around Malaysia whilst he babysat the kids, and more recently I managed to bring them along to Australia. Phew. Out of all the days that I have been partying without the kids, surely I cannot disallow a weekend for him to go off without the kids…..

The girls and I are having fun without Dada. We are laughing and laughing and being silly every day. Creative nice at play. And tomorrow, we probably need to get some homework done or the teachers are going to start searching for Mama again. Le sighhhhhhh……….

So what’s up with you then??? Life is too precious. Don’t think, just do!!! Take ACTION!!! The view from up here is brilliant.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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