Why ALL women need passive income

Why all women need passive income? Like Duh?

My Mother always told her fellow women friends (from her failed experiences of course) that they should always have a hidden nest of savings for that rainy day. What rainy day? Who knows and really, who cares? But have it anyway because you never know when you would need it and you would be so, so thankful should you need it one day that you have options. What could go wrong?

1. Husband Leaves

Like it or not, a man is a man is a man. No matter how good he is, or how darling he is, a man is a man is a man. And even he gives you the world, he is still a man. This means you will never know what the man does if opportunity presents itself so until the nail on the coffin is knocked in, a man is a man is a man. Period. What then is your back up plan if your man leaves you for something else and does not leave you any money? He could die, he could leave you for another woman, he could turn gay. It is possible. You know it is. What are you going to do for money? Even if your man has left you some money, sometimes things go wrong like insurance delays or divorce alimony struggles. Sometimes the money is stuck. Do you go begging friends and family members for money then to live? How do you downscale your lifestyle all of a sudden?


2. Someone in the Family Falls Sick

This is a biggie. The amount of time and energy and money…..Oh. My. God. you have no idea what it is like for someone in the family to fall critically ill…..until it happens to you. Time and energy in caring for a sick patient is exhausting and even if you ere really rich, or if your medical bills were paid for by insurances, trust me, they run out and eventually, your life saving start running out too. I have been there. My life savings were completely wiped out last year and that is why it is so important for me to work hard to gain back some money. My mother’s medical bills over the years cost almost a million RM. 14 years of cancer. I am sure it was more but we are just calculating hospitalisation and medication for the years. The thing is, you never know when someone in the family will fall sick. NEVER. So many people have told me that they are healthy and then they fall sick. Like seriously sick. It freaks me out!!! Never say that!!! What do you do then if any one member in your family falls so sick that you need years of medical support and money to pay for it all? Beg for donations? Yes, that is one way. Isn’t it easier if you just had your own stash of passive income savings for this purpose?

3. Sudden Death

Unfortunately, accidents do happen and sometimes it could be the both of you! What happens to your children then??? Even if you have your will drawn up and appointed your brother to take care of your kids, they will still need money. Where are they going to get money from? Your death insurances assuming you have some but is it enough? Think about the years that your children need to go to school and eat and live till college and University. Will it be enough? Any little bit would help for sure.

4. Charity

I believe in charity. My Mom has been doing charity since I was a kid and when I was a teenager, I started myself due to school community service and it just carried on from there till I was visiting the hospitals in the UK whilst I was at University to spend time with the sick children, and then as a single adult and then as a Mom. It is a way of life. When you give, you get back ten fold. That is just the way how the Universe works. When you have insufficient funds, you cannot give. Just think about it. A person like me gets approached by so many requests every year. But I myself already support what I support and have to put the hand brakes on many. But if I made Rm10 million dollars, this would be different. I could spread out my reach much more. The same for you. Now, you may give RM1 to 20 different causes but if you worked towards passive income, this amount could grow to RM1 million per charity. You’d be changing lives with one blink.

5. Invest

We all need to invest our money in this crazy lousy economy. We need to think of creative ways to invest and grow our money or within the next 20 years, our money will mean nought and we will be back to ground zero and would have wasted all our hard work. For what??? And this is why, ladies, that it is SO IMPORTANT to start a passive income generator like my Izumio business so that by the time your kids are big, you can hand over the business to them for their continuations. OR you could use it for your retirement, or their wedding, or many, many holidays, or so many things because by then you would be a multi-millionaire. In Naturally Plus, everyone gets there. The only difference is whether you get there in 4 years or 10 years. I am planning to beat that record. Watch this space.

If you are indeed excited to join my Naturally Plus TEAM, give me a call at 012-2333840 and let us show you how you can start this AMAZING OPPORTUNITY UNLIKE ANY OTHER and steer your life towards the direction of happiness. My team will show you great health and great wealth and we know exactly how to do it. Team work is key and together as a team, my team and I have been performing little miracles. In others health, in our own wealth, in our own health, and others wealth. The circle of life. One can just not imagine the kind of things that we do. I am so, so incredibly proud of my team. To bigger and better things next year. Bless!

After 7 years in London committing crimes to gain a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from The Bartlett, Mamapumpkin quit her full time job as the Country Director of a British Railway Signalling organisation in December 2014 due to the diagnosis of her double heart valve (aortal and mitral) regurgitation causing her to be extremely fatigued (insufficient oxygenated blood) and not being able to function as a normal human being. By the Grace of God, she was introduced to Izumio and Super Lutein and her health has rocketed since. She now pledges that it is the best thing that ever happened to her and earns a good living by sharing the benefits of Izumio and Super Lutein to the world.

Mamapumpkin also manages the Homeschooling Hub Malaysia on Facebook. Please LIKE the page and contact her for enquiries. She has just recently started Working Women Malaysia on Facebook to offer support to all women who want career and life success.

For information on Izumio and Super Lutein, please LIKE the Izumio Lutein Malaysia page on Facebook or email her at (mamapumpkin at gmail dot com) and she will be able to respond to all your queries. Or WhatsApp/Call her at 012-2333840.

There is also an Izumio and Super Lutein Resource Centre on Facebook that is strictly for her growing team of customers and medical advisers (yes, there are Doctors in there). This is a place where user sharing is discussed working towards everyone’s best health. And of course, you will be guided towards your business success should you wish to do the Izumio business, a very viable business.

For more reading on her experience with Izumio and Super Lutein, please click on the following links:-

0. Izumio and Super Lutein – The Naturally Plus Business

1. Izumio and Super Lutein for CANCER

2. Izumio and Super Lutein for Eczema

3. Izumio and Super Lutein heals Diabetes

4. Izumio and Super Lutein heals a Slipped Disc

5. Izumio and Super Lutein for KIDS

6. Izumio and Super Lutein for a Happy Family

7. Izumio and Super Lutein for WOMEN

8. Izumio and Super Lutein for EYES

9. My personal recommendation on Izumi and Super Lutein

10. The Izumio Super Lutein Business

11. My success with the Izumio and Super Lutein Business

12. Izumio and Super Lutein Business Expansion

13. My Earnings for April 2015 from sharing the Availability of Izumio and Super Lutein

14. Izumio and Super Lutein for Glaucoma

15. Izumio and Super Lutein have NOTHING to do with Alkaline Water (now known as active Hydrogen water)

16. It is all about KIZUNA – the bonds of friendship

17. Finding A Job You LOVE

18. Best Income Opportunity in Malaysia (even higher than a Director of a profitable oil palm plantation and an ex-United Nations Ambassador who are both in this with us)

19. Izumio and Super Lutein for the LUNGS

20. Living A Happy Life

21. Prevention of Age-Related Macular Degeneration – AMD Eye Disease

22. Best Supplements for Children – Malaysia

23. Healing Prostate Cancer Naturally with Izumio and Super Lutein

24. Izumio and Super Lutein – A DOSAGE Guide

25. Izumio and Super Lutein for STROKE

26. Naturally Plus Business – Passive Income Generator

27. The OPPORTUNITY of a LIFETIME but better still, HEAL THE WORLD!!!

28. The Naturally Plus Global Business – the BEST business to start

Or do a SEARCH on this blog on the top right hand corner for IZUMIO and you should be able to find anything related to Izumio. Mamapumpkin talks about Izumio everyday. It is her life after her family.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
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