Another Orphanage Visit

My kids are privileged kids. They truly are. They’re not millionaire kids but they’re privileged kids. They lead a comfortable life, have nice toys and clothes and get a lot of attention. So much so that when a friend asked me to ask T1 what she wanted from New York, she said nothing. She said she already had everything. And she does!

It’s hard not being spoilt when you are a privileged kid because not only does everything come so easy, life is SO COMFORTABLE!!! Thus it is important for them to realise that not every kid is so lucky like them so I bring them to the orphanages in hope that they will make friends. Real friends. For if I allowed them to only mingle with their school friends, they would live their lives in bubbles. They have friends outside of school too but there’s nothing like getting to know people who have more humble lives. In fact, they might make better friends not having the option of being clouded by the distractions of today’s world.

Last month, we visited a home near my house in Bangsar and the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We will go back there again soon but this month, a friend of ours invited us to join them to visit another home in PJ that housed about 60 kids.

It is a big home with several adjacent bungalows joined together to form one big community centre run by a church. The kids range from as young as 3 right up to 18 and they all go to school, apart from the little tot of course. They all have their own duties and rules to follow. When the bell rings, everyone rushes down to the assembly area for their meals where they queue up to collect their food. They all have their own plates with their names written behind them and they all have chores.

On the day that we went, we brought the kids lunch and cupcakes and delivered supplies that they needed.

They even had an aquarium! Albeit it wasn’t cleaned very often, it was still a nice thing to have for kids just love watching fishes, don’t they?


I found it funny how the boys were served before the girls but didn’t question as I was busy watching T2. T1 was busy handing out their lunch. If you looked closely below, you would spot her little head. The boy in white held a guitar after lunch and I asked him if he could play. He said, I’m trying. He was 16. I told him, “The next time I come, I want you to play me something, OK?” He smiled and said OK. So sweet.

Next, the girls…….

See this little boy? He sits on 3 stacked chairs. I told T2….see this little boy? He is little just like you and he doesn’t have a Mommy or a Daddy. T2 just gave me a blank look. The boy in blue beside him? He isn’t actually an orphan but an Orang Asli boy who was put here in care so that he actually gets to go to school. He was the loveliest boy and had the most charming eyes. I loved him and had a conversation with him.

T1 was in charge of handing out the cupcakes after lunch. The cupcake has a story all in itself but I will leave that for another post. I was initially planning to just BUY the kids Bisou cupcakes but all because of this woman called Paik Ling, we ended up BAKING them, all 200 cupcakes!!! OK, so 20 went into our own tummies before they got delivered. They were SMALL cupcakes OK?

When we arrived, all the kids rushed to our car to ask whose birthday it was! And here I was thinking, man……in the month of August alone, we had spent close to RM300 on Bisou cupcakes! OK, it was T2’s birthday but still…..every time we’re in BV, easily we’d pick up a box of cupcakes, just because……..which explains my size, of course. OK. No more cupcakes. Promise. Got that? That’s a PROMISE!!! OK, if I do have any, it’ll be one bite per week. Fair?

After T1’s job of handing out food, she finally go to sit down to eat and whilst I would have liked for her to have sat with the kids, there was no more space so she sat with her sister instead.

After lunch, T1 handed out Ang Pows (or Duit Raya!) to the kids. T2 had her stack of Ang Pows to hand out too but she was so slow that by the time she wanted to hand them out, everyone already had an Ang Pow. I thought of just giving them away anyway but then some would get double and some not. Luckily some kids came home from school or whatever activity they had outside and the Ang Pows were distributed evenly.

Here, my pouty T2, disappointed that she didn’t get to hand out Ang Pows……

She wandered off outside and was amazed that the pots were SO BIG!!! That’s what it takes to feed 60 kids!!! 7 chickens to feed them all per meal.

I asked T2 to turn around for a pic and she lifted up her shirt.  o_O

When lunch was over, the warden gave instructions for some of the kids to collect their laundry. There are 4 wardens who live there to care for the kids, 1 chef and an Indonesian helper. They are still stretched and I could tell they were stressed. It isn’t easy caring for 60 kids every day. Heck, I already go mad with 2.

I took the opportunity to boot T1 off to help one of the kids with the laundry. It was hilarious because the poor girl has never done laundry in her entire life! She wasn’t sure what to do!!! See the separate pails below? They all belong to different kids who are in charge of laundry for the day.

I yelled out, “Pick the clothes off the line! Ask him what to do!”

She could barely even reach the laundry line, haha……

…….but she eventually got the hang of it and turned it into a game. My girl, she is all play and everything must be FUN for her.

So that marks the day T1 did her first laundry collection. I was very proud of her.

Some time this month, we will visit another orphanage again. Will anyone be interested to join us?

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

47 thoughts on “Another Orphanage Visit

  1. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am a Sales Manager of Diethelm Travel Malaysia, here in KL. We recently received a request from a travel agent in Germany who has clients that are interested to visit an orpahanage during their stay in Kuala Lumpur. They would like donate some toys and other needed items during their visit. Do you therefore have any contact to an orphanage here in Kuala Lumpur, or could the contact be made through you? It would be really nice to get some feedback from you. My email address:

    I am looking forward to hear from you.

    Kind regards,

    Diethelm Travel Malaysia

  2. Please can you tell me the address of this orphanage in Bangsar and contact number if you have? I plan to take my daughter there for a visit too. I had a good time reading your blog .Thank you .

  3. Hi, it’s been a pleasure reading your blog and indeed very comforting to get to know kind being like you still do exist. Christmas is around the corner, and i would really like to do something for these special children . It’d be great if you will be visiting one anytime soon or is it possible that you could pls share with me some orphanage homes around pj/kl area. Thank you.

  4. Hi,

    I am a university student and am planning to do a community project. Would love to have another visit there. Do let me know if you will be visiting the house in February/March 2013.

    This is my email add :

    Hope to hear from you.

    Thank you

  5. can i have the address for this orphanage? or do you have any others orphanage that is in pj area?

  6. Hi, I’m part of the Interact Club in my school and we’re looking to donate some books and help set up a reading corner in an orphanage. May I have the name, address and contact details for the orphanage please? 🙂

    Thank you!

  7. Can I have the name, address and contact number of this orphanage? Please and thank you.

  8. Hi, I currently have a student base who I take for weekly tuition. As it is the month of Ramandhan, we are discussing the concept of giving and the students are collecting clothes and other items to donate to a worthy cause. The students are very excited about this and I was wondering if you could give me the details of this orphanage in Bangsar as I would like to ask if they need anything that we could help contribute. I would also like to take my students to visit them.

    Please let me know the details if you can. My email address is

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.


  9. Hi, Can I have the address and contact details of this orphanage? I’m a student and we planning to do some community service.

  10.  “hi im an expat mummy and have a group of munmies that would like to do volunteer work on regular basis. can you send me the name and contact of the orphanage in bangsar and pj. thanks email:

  11. Hi, I’m a university student and currently looking for places to do our community service. Could you pls kindly mail me the information of this orphanage. My mail address is Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks 🙂

  12. Hi, may i know the name and contact of this orphanage?
    They have website?

    Erm…jz curious, since so many asking, why dont you make the orphanage name public..?

    Thanks a lot.

  13. Hello, I am looking to organizing Christmas Carollers to an orphanage and am interested in this orphanage you visited. Could you kindly please email me the contact information? Looking forward to your reply. Thanks 🙂

  14. Hi, I am an expat mother of two boys. Would like to know which orphanage and their contact information please? Would like to take my kids there and help these kids out a bit. Thanks

  15. Hi 🙂
    I’m so impressed with this home and would like to know the address and contact number of this home. I’m looking forward for ur reply to my email (
    And also will be good if u let me know few other homes (anywhere around KL) which don’t get much help or donations so that we can help them as well 😀 Thanks in advance 😉

  16. Hi, can I have the home’s name, address and contact no? Would like to bring my boy there.

  17. please may i have the address of this orphanage, i would like to donate many items

  18. Hi can i have the complete adress of this orphanage in bangsar i want to donate is my

  19. Hi, we’re planning on visiting this orphanage for our university projects. Could you kindly email me their contact and location of this orphanage? here is my email . thank you.

  20. To whom it may concern,

    May I kindly enquire the address of this orphanage as I plan to make a visit in the near future.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,
    Alex Tee


    May I have the home contact number and details? We are a group of university students who are planning to carry out a community service project.

    Please kindly send the details to this email address:

    I will be very appreciated of your kindness.


  22. Hi kindly have contact number or add so that i can come and serve food for them every month.


  23. Hello, I am a university student. Currently my group is finding an orphanage for visitation. Its regarding of our social engagement project work. Lots of activities will be carried out and we plan to organize it in the form of camp. And most importantly we hope we can share our love and also care to them. 🙂
    Can u send me the name and exact place of this orphanage to my email?
    Thank you so much !

  24. Hi there,

    May I know the details of this orphanage (ie contact number, point of contact and address? I would like to organise a visit there.


  25. Hi,

    Can u please provide me the details of this orphanage. we wanted to arrange a visit.


  26. We, parents of one of the kindy in Shah Alam, would like to bring our kids to visit any orphanage home in Klang Valley, mainly to educate our kids about compassion and appreciate whatever they have now.
    Our group shall not more than 40 people.
    How shall we apply for the approval ?

    Thanks, Joyce

  27. Hi there, do you mind sharing the address and the contact number for the orphanage home in Bangsar and the one in PJ as well? Thank you!

  28. Hello, I am a university student and my groups are finding an orphanage for visitation.Can I get the address and the contact number of the orphanage home in PJ?Thank you.

  29. Hi! Can I have the address of the orphanage that you have visited?
    The picture of yours looks very familiar. I have been searching around for an orphanage that I have visited in 2007 and looking to go back there but too bad I have no clue in searching for it. I remember it’s somewhere in PJ and the pictures you took looks very familiar.
    You may let me know by whatsapp me too at 0122648320
    Regards, Arnold

  30. Hi there, I’m from Bangsar too and would like to volunteer myself as this is the least I can do for these beautiful kids. I’m free every morning till noon. Please let me know where are these homes. Thank you!

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