The best car for mothers….

When I was a school girl, I wanted a sports car. A sports car because my cool, model aunt had one and used to pick me up from school with it. A sports car because all the kids at school used to stare and went, WOW!!!

When I’d started working in Kuala Lumpur (in England, we just walked!), I STILL wanted a sports car; a Jaguar XJ220 at that time, because I had no time to waste. There was just so much to do and so little time to do it in. I couldn’t stand slow drivers. I still can’t.

Fast forward to Mommyhood and I’ve killed that sports car dream now. It would never work. It’s like wearing 5 inch stilettos when you’re carrying a 10 kilo baby, a 10 kilo diaper bag, pushing a heavy duty Italian Peg Perego stroller and still holding the hand of your older kid.


Let me explain why.

This is what I, as a Mommy, NOW have to put into my car. We’re just looking at my day-to-day life. Not even a road trip. I wouldn’t dare. We’d need a cargo truck. And the reason I am not showing you the stuff INSIDE the car is because, man!!! It’s too darn embarrassing!!!

You’ll have to use your imagination…….

First and foremost, there is T2’s big, giant Eddie Bauer car seat. That alone takes up more than a third of the back seat of our little sedan. When you place the fussy big boss on it, you need plenty of back up.

“MAMA!!! HURRY!!!”

Back Up Item #1 – Food Bag
This contains water bottles for both girls and their snacks and/or lunch. We tried doing the no food in the car rule but it was just impossible. When T2 is hungry, SHE IS HUNGRY. We’ve even stopped the car at taxi stands just so she could get a cookie.

Flask for porridge? Check. Water? Check. Snacks? Check. Snacks Backup? Check.


Back Up Item #2 – Book Bag
We carry a book bag in the car because the girls love books. This entertains them and keeps them quiet, even if for 10 minutes. The books in the book bag get turned around every week so they don’t get bored. It also allows for book discussions whilst Mommy is driving. With T1, mostly, although sometimes, I’d get a sudden scream that jolts me from my dream of driving an MPV, “MAMA!!! BAAA!!! (which actually means, Mama!! Bus!!). It’s only a bus, dammit, though she screams as though money were falling from the sky.


Back Up Item #3 – Diaper Bag
This contains diapers and other essentials that T2 needs, like wet wipes, tissues, mosquito repellant, papaya cream (for when she gets a mozzie bite, she’d want her papaya cream IMMEDIATELY), hand sanitizers, baby magna doodle and some small toys. I also throw my wallet in and a make-up bag, and keys and etc etc etc.


Back Up Item #4 – Bulky Stroller in Car Boot
This is a heavy stroller that takes up a LOT of space but we need it because sometimes (and that really means almost ALWAYS), my little toddler loses her legs.

Where? Where? No legs??? No legs, Mama……Baby, no legs…..*with puppy dog eyes, she laments*


On top of pleasing my demanding toddler, we also have stuff belonging to T1 that just need to be in the car as a matter of course.

T1’s Essentials #1 – The Hello Kitty School Bag (that weighs a ton of gold)
Honestly, I have no idea why these poor kids need so many books for school. We are supposed to be gearing towards a paperless society, no? One day, I hope kids only need a little ipad to school. Problem solved.

Trust me. This bag is SUPER HEAVY, and is bigger than T1’s body frame.


T1’s Essentials #2 – Her Music Bag
Thankfully, we only need this bag once a week but nevertheless, it is a bag that contains a change of clothes and her music books for when she goes for music classes.


T1’s Essentials #3 – Her Swimming Bag
Used 3 times a week, this contains all T1’s swimming essentials: change of clothes, towel, goggles, slippers, swimming cap, hair brush and other paraphernalia she hides in the many little pockets that I sometimes discover; like empty sweet wrappers or little notes with scribbles….


And of least importance, of course, is Mommy’s Must Haves.

Mommy’s Must Have #1 – Spare Slippers
I need a spare pair of slippers in the car because sometimes, it rains and when it rains, my shoes get completely drenched when I walk across that soccer field to pick T1 up from school. After losing one pair of shoes, I got smart and kept a spare pair of slippers to change into in case it rains so I wouldn’t have to cry over shoes getting ruined. I also need slippers for emergencies, like when the high heels get too taxing. Heh.

Birkenstocks of various colours = my life. SAD!!! (but practical).

Mommy’s Must Have #2 – Work Shoes
Now that Mommy is a working Mom, a pair of work shoes is kept in the car also for emergencies, like when at last minute notice, Mommy has to walk into a corporate setting. For example, today at immigration, the officer asked if it was really true that Mommy was a Director of the company because she really looked like a kerani. A KERANI!!! That is a clerk, for those who don’t know Bahasa.


Mommy’s Must Have #3 – Back up Food
LOL – I suppose my girls get it from me. Because I am so busy, I hardly have time to eat proper meals let alone prepare them so I keep little snacks in the car for emergencies. Here, my lovely Mom gave me some fruits one day and look at just how much fruit she gave us!!


Last but not least, I swear to God, we always have stuff in the car that I classify as WORK IN PROGRESS. Stuff that need doing that will get done when time permits but need to be stored in the car waiting for that free moment when we can afford to sneak it in.

This is our current list:
WORK IN PROGRESS #1 – Shoes for repair
Now that I’m working, I should really have a few pairs of shoes to sashay in and because I’ve not worn these for so long, they need to meet the cobbler.


WORK IN PROGRESS #2 – Stuff for Charity
Thanks to Paik Ling, a poor little abused baby has shoes and clothes. I gave as much as I could that wasn’t pink but Paik Ling really saved the boy from having a case of mistaken identity. There is still a huge plastic bag of toys from her that’s sitting in the car which I didn’t photograph that needs delivery too, and the Hubs is bitching and bitching that our home and car are turning into a charity warehouse!!! Oops.


I also have stuff that I will be giving to another charity of which they will sell to raise funds. Clothes, winter clothing, duvets, you name it.


So the short of it is, I am sick and tired of my dirty, messy sedan that looks and feels more like a trash can than a car. The Hubs always said that we don’t need a fancy car to get from A to B, and I agree, but right now, whenever I pass by anyone I know, I quickly put my sunglasses on in hope that nobody recognizes me because it is just TOO embarrassing being seen in a trash can.

I seriously need a bigger car, an MPV, to be exact. One that has enough SPACE. One that allows me to organize ALL OUR STUFF!!! One that makes my life CONVENIENT. One that is COST EFFECTIVE.

No more sports cars for me, I’m smart now. It took 20 years to get here.

Seriously now, look below and you tell me; do I need a sports car or an MPV??? It’s a no brainer.

That’s me and T2 on one of our Mommy and Baby work trips, EPF registration to be exact.

If you’re a Mommy like me, and better still if you are in Kuala Terengganu or its surrounding vicinity, then you should immediately leave me your name and contact number in the comments section below in order to qualify for the MULTILINGUAL Exora VIP Test Drive Session this Friday (8th July) and Saturday (9th July) in Kuala Terengganu at the Riaz Hotel from 9am to 4pm. Or just show up! But you may not get all the free goodies then…..

Now, why are they not having this right now in KL??? I would JUMP at the chance! Not only will you get to sniff, caress, bounce and learn about the MPV, there is an opportunity to get pampered with a luxurious spa session amidst good food and get all your questions answered about truly owning an MPV! Honestly, there is nothing like test driving a car and using it in real life to truly see how convenient your life can get with the right vehicle and how your life can change.

For some reading info, go to but if you’re really interested, then leave your details with Mamapumpkin’s comments section below.

If you don’t want to miss out on an amazing opportunity, then quickly leave me your details so you can be contacted for a test drive session this Friday and Saturday in Kuala Terengganu. You might even meet the King in is home town!!!


This is a sponsored post.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

10 thoughts on “The best car for mothers….

  1. Mamapumpkin, I am extremely grateful that your car has everything. Imagine your car not having the half-empty water bottle that I was able to use to contain B2’s pee – HORRORS!!!!!

  2. Alphard or Vellfire, come with driver. 😛
    I’m sucks at big MPV, I am soooo lousy at reverse parking here especially since double park is LEGAL in BKK.

  3. haha woman, you sure you got everything in that car of yours??? Let’s not forget the unpacking! Now that gives me a bloody headache!!!

  4. You know….they make trucks and vans quite sporty these days! 🙂

    I can understand a littered car….my car has half the kids toys in them. Can’t find a toy? Should be in mummy’s car.

    Though the rest of the stuff are usually brought out – bags with food (I understand back up snacks!:)), bags with clothes, bags (period).

    Hubby’s car though….that’s a whole opposite story. Seems most mum’s cars are the ones filled with junk! 🙂

  5. Eh, is that Menara UOB that you’re standing outside? I used to work there, hehehe

    So did you get a free Exora for the sponsored post?

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