Please tell me your typical day resembles mine :-(


We started the day at 10am after an exhausting holiday. Why do they call it a holiday when it is so bloody exhausting?! The Hubs was late for work but still stayed back to fry some scramble eggs for his precious princess because she caught him just before he left for the office at 10am and said, “Daddy? Peace can you cook me scambell eggs? I don’t like Mommy’s scambell eggs. Yours is better….” *roll eyeballs*

So father takes off his shoes and starts whipping up some scramble eggs for precious daughter, then rushes out the door as soon as it’s in her bowl. I tried it – it was GOOD. 🙂 No wonder……must ask him how he does it later. After she finished her scrambled eggs, I made her 240ml of Milo (2 teaspoons of Milo with 5 scoops of Pediasure) – she took something like half an hour to finish that with me reminding her every 30 seconds if she was drinking her milk. Damn tiring man…..

Then I made some breakfast for myself and started picking up the laundry – gosh! It took almost 2 hours to fold the damn laundry!!! Only because we were away on holiday for a week. But by noon, I was already pooped. Really pooped. I even taught Tee how to fold socks. She now knows how to fold them inside out and match them and fold them together. I tried teaching her how to turn her own T-shirts inside out but after 10 seconds, she gave up and quickly decided that playing her own toys silently was more her thing. With the socks, after she did 5 individual socks, she said this was boring. *sigh* Just wait till she’s 12 and I will start confiscating priviledges if she doesn’t help me with the housework! I sure don’t want her not knowing how to do any housework or not knowing how to cook when she’s an adult and then let her future mother-in-law bitch about how useless she is!

Whilst I folded clothes, we watched National Geographic/Discovery/Animal Planet/Disney Playhouse and the Princess Diana Concert which I thought was brilliant. It brought back wonderful memories of England and I just wanted to blink myself into Tower Records straight away to buy some of those London Musical CDs. I’m proud that Tee has graduated to watching more useful television and is actually interested in watching Discovery! She asks a lot of questions. I don’t mind watching those with her cuz I learn tons myself, seeing that I’m a bloody ignorant git. In fact, she prefers them to Playhouse Disney now. The Hubs always warns, “I hope you’re teaching her the right things!” Well, let Discovery do the teaching then, I say. *wink*

After laundry, I began preparing her lunch – porridge with spinach, carrots and cod fish. Lunch and washing up took an hour and Tee called out “Mama!!” like 500 times during that very busy hour. I counted. Then I finally made myself a coffee and chilled for half an hour with her watching TV (me watching TV, she half watching and half moving about the house God knows doing what).

In between taking her to the toilet (tried making her go herself but she’s still not quite there yet – wish she was a BOY!) and making her drink water (4 times each toilet run and drinking before 3pm), I changed handbags, washed all the dishes in the kitchen, unpacked some new plate wrapping, picked up some stuff around the house in attempt to neaten the place up, sorted the in-tray in our study, helped Tee look for her camera, her bear, her name stickers, her I don’t know what else. Whenever she looks for something, she will whine and whine and I will have to help her find it if I want her to shut the fuck up.

She played a bit of handphone games (she now knows how to operate my phone to call 3 people and knows how to get to the Tetris game) AND gets a real kick when she gets points! There goes……I can just see this three year old begging for a playstation for her next birthday. She’s already asked for a VTech or whatever your call it – that orange computer game thingy you see at Toys ‘R’ Us. It is RM400 (USD120) and each game you buy is RM100 (USD30)!!!

She is also learning how to operate the DVD player at home. The more self sufficient she is, the better. Just fucking leave ME alone!!!

With a thousand requests from 10am to 3pm, we were finally picked up to go to my Mother’s place by my beloved brother and instead of walking out the door immediately, little Miss Tee decides, oh, no! She needed to wear her sunglasses, she needed to bring her pink teddy bear, she needed to bring some pieces of paper that she claimed were tickets for her New Year’s Eve party and she needed to bring her RM2,700 REAL camera. Why is it that they always have to do things at the very last minute? Haven’t they ever heard of pre-planning?

Like going to the toilet, she’d wait till the very, very end then announce that she needs to go like now. Actually, not now. She needs to go like yesterday. WHAT!?! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Because I didn’t need to go earlier! Then of course, we’d be in some new shoppping mall and I’d have no clue where the nearest toilet is and…..and…..I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.

Oh, didn’t I tell you? She inherited our old……very, very old first generation digital camera this morning. She said she wanted her own camera. I told her she had not one but TWO cameras and she said those were toys. She wanted a REAL camera. I told her we didn’t have any and no way was she touching MY Nikon D70. She remembered that we used to have two point and shoot digital cameras and cleverly suggested that the big camera is Mommy’s and one small one for Daddy and the other small one for Tee. Hmm…..I told her to ask her Daddy.

So straight onto the phone, she called her Daddy to ask where the camera was, not if she could HAVE the camera. What a sneaky little minx! So I asked him if she could have it and he said YES!!! There goes…..she stuck her stickers onto it immediately – it’s a damn good Olympus camera, by the way, and it is now hers. All hers. She has already learnt how to use it and is wasting battery away all day. It was RM2,700!!! (USD900). Well, I suppose we no longer have a use for it. 🙁

So we arrive at my Mom’s place and I go straight out to buy durians!!! Got totally conned as I do not know how to choose and just trust the durian seller. *sigh* Spent RM75 for them and none of them were good. Tasteless. *sigh* So disappointing. I told my Mom I wasn’t ever going to go buy durians without her anymore. She couldn’t come along as she was busy cooking.

Then we had a bit of drama with the crab curry but all is well now. I helped Mom cook and Tee was entertained by her dearest uncles and then we had dinner and here I am now. We are wondering where we should go to watch some fireworks. Tee hasn’t napped all day but she’s still bouncing around. My day has been busy all day and I am tired! I get a million and one requests from Tee every single day……is that how it is with you too?

There must be more to motherhood than this!?!

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!

8 thoughts on “Please tell me your typical day resembles mine :-(

  1. hahaha…reading ur post also tiring. 😛

    i really kenot stand the peeing at last minute especially when i just ordered food at a fast food restaurant and there’s no washroom around and i’m there all alone without hubby. how? hv to tapau the food to the 2let!

    Happy New Year. 😉

  2. Well, mine’s more or less like this too. With Phoebe being more mobile now, it’s like double trouble from them. You know what most mother’s tell you, if you don’t hear from them,they are up to something no good… 🙂

    Happy New Year… Hope the ‘fatt’ year will bring you lotsa happy moments and of course ‘fatt’ & more ‘fatt’…

  3. Hehehe!! the JOY of motherhood eh…?? Mine is way easier.. !! i got PB to do all the dirty work. As for the last minute thingie.. i make sure .. she has gotten everything.. in another bag.. a black canvas bag for her toys.. before we go out. And before we dress her up.. to go out.. we send her to the washroom first.. 😉 of course there are times.. she needs to go.. even after going.. but that’s where. .her papa comes along. .muahahahah!! i stylo-malo.. i trained.. my brat to call for her Papa . .and make sure.. she favours her Papa for when it comes to doing stuff.. muahahhahahaha!!! evil .. evil me.. 😉 I rarely get upset with the brat.. because PB does most of the things for her.. even bathing.. muahahahha!!

  4. Well, maybe it’s different with a girl. I’ve got to wait for my 2 month old Allie to grow up. As for my son, he does his fair share of drama.. but his father has this “you’re a big boy” lecture and so he sticks to it. Anything to please papa.. Since hubby is in KL working, and I’m here.. he listens to his papa more than he does me.

    As parents, all we can hope for is that they remember us when they’re older and care for us the way we care for them. 😀

    Happy New Year, Patsy!! Hopefully this year will be less stressful than the last.. 😀

  5. Happy NY 2008.
    Actually it is admirable that u could hold back from hiring a live in domestic helper.
    Most ppl in Msia would cave in and get one.
    You’re holding up very well.

  6. RM75 for tasteless durians? Next time, buy them from Old Klang Road.
    Daddy is so sweet, late for work all for the sake of his precious angel.
    BTW, Alycia doesn’t like to watch cartoons either. She prefers the channels on Home & Health and Animal Planet. She even likes Rich Bride Poor Bride!

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