Many Moms think their kid(s) are the cutest in the whole wide world but for me, I didn’t think. I knew.

After all, the modelling genes were well ingrained in their blood.

Nana performed many press ads and TV commercials in her youth but because it was so long ago, there is no evidence of it in today’s world. You’ll just have to trust me, or speak to the advertising people of her generation. Most of them are still alive.

But look at her! I think she’s still model material! (WE LOVE YOU, MAMA!!!)
And then there is Nana’s sister, who won Super Model of the Year 198x – 30 odd years ago. But check her out now. Below is she in her fifties, yo! Just this year or last…..

Even I have been in press ads and in TV Commercials (ahem)………in my childhood (before the fat piled on).

So isn’t it God-given that my girls would be NATURALS at modelling???

T2 is usually a grumpy toddler but she has her happy moments of angelic behaviour. T1, on the other hand, has always been a confident Punky Brewster with Attitude.

Seriously, would you for a minute consider this girl shy??? Natural, no???


So off we traversed to the GAP CASTING CALL 2012 – the search for the new faces of Gap Kid and BabyGap for Spring 2012. My girls had the potential to earn their keep by smiling their megawatt smiles naturally. Mama and Dada happy.


We arrived at the GAP CASTING CALL at exactly 11am and were out way before noon. If you have kids whom you think could be the next face of Gap, you MUST go to the next GAP CASTING CALL this coming weekend at The Pavilion. Even if you don’t think your kids have star quality (There are SOME insecure very humble parents), it is still a worthwhile exercise for the sake of a great experience. When else will your kids get to experience being on stage alone with a whole audience with LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION on them like a true celebrity and then having to pose and smile at the same time? Daunting? You bet. That is exactly why I would expose my kids to it.

Here are some photos to give you an idea what happens:

You walk into the GAP store and browse for some clothes for your little ones. Do some Christmas shopping for friends and relatives in the process. Fall in love with a few key pieces. Swipe that credit card. If you’re buying 3-4 pieces of clothing, you’ll easily hit RM200. For you Brits, that’s 10 pounds per top or a pair of leggings. Very reasonably priced for such CUTE-CUTE attitude laden clothes.

See for yourself. They have something for every personality, every occasion, from classics to stylish, nothing in between.

Beautiful tops with beautiful sparklies that girlies love-love-love!!! I bought T1 a top with a golden sequinned owl and T2, a top filled with little bunnies that were each wearing different designs of ribbons, bows, scarves and a cap. I knew they would both love them and they did!

I also bought T2 a top with a puppy wearing ear-muffs with actual fur. Awesome! The rest of my loot were basics like leggings and jeans, although the Hubs has now commanded that I buy TESCO jeans for them because after spending RM350 on 2 pairs of jeans for T1 a few months ago, she is already complaining that they are TOO TIGHT. The waist is OK but the butt is TOO TIGHT. Hmm, I wonder whom she takes after.

I just love those sequinned tops – so damn cool. How come they didn’t have clothes like this when I was a kid???

They have dresses and jumpers and jackets and leggings and socks and shoes and caps……..

Even formal wear. And how often do you find BLACK for kids? That is some serious attitude making a statement. Christmas dresses? Tick.

After you buy some gorgeous clothes, take your receipt to the GAP CASTING CALL counter and get your kid(s) registered.

You have to fill in a small form that states your name, your kid’s name, their date of birth(s) and your contact details. You also have to initial the terms and conditions document which basically tells you how the whole competition works.

To save you some reading time, the important points to consider:-

1. FJ Benjamin (owners of Gap Malaysia) will select 100 kids and upload them onto Facebook

2. The public get to vote till Christmas Day

3. 4 kids from each category (boys, girls, baby boys, baby girls) with the top votes will be flown to Singapore on 7th January next year with their parents for the final photo shoot. Only air fare and accommodation will be covered. NOT your food and shopping money.

4. Winners will be selected and their faces will be splashed on all Gap window displays in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

5. Malaysian winners will also win RM2000 credits to buy Gap Kids and a Hasbro Toy Hamper. Wheeee!

6. The rest are general rules like your child has to be a legal resident of Malaysia and all people connected to FJ Benjamin are not eligible to participate blablablablabla……SIMPLE!

It’s a 5 page document but I’ve done all the hard work for you. You’re welcome.

There was an area for kids to entertain themselves whilst waiting for their turn.

The queue started building up after noon……so make sure you have backups (husband, maid, grandma, sister, nanny etc) to entertain your kids if necessary.

But, hey look!!! They had candy floss freshly made!!!

Once your turn comes up, your kids will be dressed. It’s really just putting on a jacket or a jumper to mask your existing competitor’s clothes. *grins*

T2 found it too hot and didn’t want to wear it so it took a lot of coaxing! Suggestion: bring mini fan or wear thin clothing! Or just put on the Gap clothes at the very last minute before your kid’s turn to go up.

And finally……………….

*drum beats*

My NATURAL MODELS go on stage. With T2 first……….

…….who refused to smile at any expense.

All she could think of was “I’m OHT. I’m SO OHT. Why are you putting me on stage? You want me to smile? I don’t want to smile. I’m OHT, I’m OHT! Leave me alone!” We eventually gave up trying to make her smile because her stubborn genes were just way strong.

Next up, Che-Che T1 went on…….The NATURAL that I so believed would charm the Canon was SO NERVOUS that I’d never seen T1 with a more fake smile! To be fair, she was super conscious of her missing two front teeth. I’m almost certain the commercial retail industry would prefer teeth to no teeth, so poof! There went our claim to fame.

But as soon as they were off stage, they were back to being their normal selves. Bah.

So listen up, folks. You have a few days to practise if you need to. Put your kid(s) in front of an audience and get someone else to photograph them. Just remember, your kids’ face on a print ad could very well lead them to their next big modelling contract. Or TV Commercial. And if all else fails like us, what an experience to throw into our Gratitude Box! Plus, there were GOODY BAGS filled with Hasbro Toys!

Don’t miss the GAP CASTING CALL at Pavilion.

Another reason for you to go to The Pavilion this weekend is that their Xmas decorations are up and GUESS WHAT??? They have a Kid’s CAROUSEL!!! How often do your kids get to ride a carousel in KL???

Gap Casting Call at Pavilion – Saturday and Sunday (19/20 November 2011) at 11am to 6pm.

GapKids at Pavilion, Lot 5.37.00 & 5.38.00 Level 5, Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang.

The last winners…… you think T1 and T2 have a chance then???

And the reason my photos are so bad is because my camera ran out of battery before we even started. AARGHH!!!! So I had to depend on Mr Blackberry. Blogger Fail.

Who is Mamapumpkin?
Mamapumpkin is a former Design Architect turned Multi-Million Dollar Digital Entrepreneur. She sets out to prove to all that you can have anything and everything that you want; if you have that fire of desire burning within and the drive to work hard. Even better with much love.

Mamapumpkin has not only grown corporate businesses successfully in the past and doubled her salary 5 times over 5 organisations but has grown THREE BUSINESSES to 7 FIGURES within an 8 year period. She now shows others EXACTLY HOW after retiring her own husband from employment. He is now the official dog walker, family driver, chef and THE BEST FATHER to their two girls and THE BEST HUSBAND to the woman who CHOSE HIM!

Mamapumpkin is the girl who has nothing but fights for everything including YOU. She is idealistic in her desire to put unbelievable amounts of money and extrardinary happiness into the lives of good people so we can change the world together believing in happiness for ALL. She strives to impact lives authentically wanting to reduce poverty cycles and enable quality education for all and always supports the voiceless. She believes we can all have a life of our own desires to enable real contribution into the world. But first, one needs to understand what this all means.

A beautiful life without limits.

If you wish to learn how to propel your life forward guaranteed, be brave to take action. Mamapumpkin's purpose is to build people. Her gift is to help them UNCOVER their HIDDEN GIFTS. She operates fairly and always leaves an impression. You either love her or not and she is alright either way.

She is a living testimony that women really can have a lot. Being financially and time free has enabled her to travel the world anytime, anywhere, doing anything with anyone, as she spends most of her days with her children, having fun, supporting others wherever she can. Also having fun.
Show your support and spread the love!


  1. Oh man, you are so funny! I was chuckling away. T1 & T2 are so adorable. Guess Nana may have to give them more training on how to relax in front of the camera 🙂 The prizes are very attractive but the crowd looks scary.

  2. Thank God I’m not the only one who thinks the crowd looks scary! Maybe that’s what put the girls off? T1 definitely has the right stuff 😀

    I’ve been asked to take my girl to get professional shots taken. On one hand it’d be great exposure for her but on the other hand, I don’t want her growing up thinking that her looks are the reason people like her.

    By the way, your Mum and aunt are FABULOUS!!!

  3. hehe, you went for it?!!!! i was thinking about it too but hubby said no. we’re better off going to a talent house to do the casting. yea, the crown is too scary la! psst, got pics of your commercial days? 😉

  4. com on la… come of it la…
    u think your kids will grow up to be angel supermodels ah…
    the boys in fashion will turn gay and the ladies will sleep around…
    it will be a bum fest la… heavy banging til they meet a rich old man and marry…

    Parents reality chk!!!!! wake up and look around u

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